There is a Scientology place in the city near me and they advertise inviting people to come in for a personality test. I have been told by many people not to go in there though. That makes it scary, I think, the fact that so many people have told me not to go in.
Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! It would be interesting to see what they define as personality testing or how they interpret the results.
Take care and do not visit the scientologists.
The personality test is likely nothing more than a tool to identify emotional/psychological weaknesses.
When I was in my twenties, that test was offered a lot. But, after that, I never heard of them anymore. Maybe I shielded myself too well.
Only since I am a postie, I see some scientology letters, once in a blue moon.
Did hear a lot about TM though. A friend I used to have lost both his sibblings to that cult. Works on emotional/psychological weaknesses too I think. Tactics used by a lot of cults and groups.
Funny, three years ago, I got bombed by people from two evangelical movements. My live was shite then indeed. I joked to a clergy friend about it. Said I must be looking pretty desperate, with two of those movements hunting me down at the same time.