Bearheart you are Miss New Zealand. Gig is up. Now what the fuck are you going to do when we don't buy your boo-hoo bullshit? 
I'm assuming that Miss New Zealand is from New Zealand, right?
Bearheart's IP address is not from New Zealand.
She doesn't live there, she lives in PA. She likes NZ so she has the name just like I had Spokane Girl because I liked Spokane but I wasn't from there.
Bearheart's IP address is not from Pennsylvania, either.
Maybe the Pensylvania thing is just smoke. You know how much bullshit has been posted on the net, and given MNZ's record, Nixon would have more credibility.
Both Kit and Skyblue1 think MNZ is from Pennsylvania, so they confirm one another.
Bearheart's IP address isn't Dominican, either.