Sorry, just a 4'10" fat New Orleans chick with a wicked (I hope) sense of humour.
However I do love the Monarchy. I've had a crush on Prince Charles since I was 5 or 6 and saw his photo in a magazine. While I will admit QV is not my favorite English monarch (probably Henry Plantagenet is), she and I are most alike in physical appearance.
I had you pegged as just like your avie.
You are SO pretentious and haughty. I HATE YOU!! ... and yet, you pull it off like a MONARCH.
I thought you were some horrid brand of Brit yet to be conquered. Can you tell us for a fact that you are not what you seem?
BUT, seriously, YOU are actually American?
Be honest.
You know how much we "substantiate Americans" despise all that is Brit. Despite all our efforts to absolve ourselves from every horror they ever placed upon these shores, THEY are still here in great numbers and great influence. We Have much more to do before we can actually be free of them!!! ... once and for all time!!
We few are mostly interested in our own freedom, not withstanding any more influence from the little shitfilled island to the north east that should have been the first American colony!!
Yes, I am truly, really American. Born at Hotel Dieu hospital in New Orleans, sent into exile to Houston at age 3 when my father took a job there, and returned to New Orleans when I was 13. We now live in the suburb of Metairie, just about 7 blocks from the Saints and the Pelican Training Camps and the Zephyrs Baseball Field.
Not sure why I had an interest in GB and her monarchy. Old movies? Historical novels? My aunt's Thomas B. Costain's histories of the Plantagenet's that I reading as a child? Biographies of English leaders? I remember reading Churchill's A History of the English Speaking Peoples before I was a teenager.
Well then fuck me!! Fuck me ridiculously, because you fooled me!
I will accept you as a friend where I did not before.
Please accept my apologies, and watch for me to make a further ass or maybe arse (remember to pronounce it the proper way so that both words sound the same!!) of myself.
Your spazziness seems to illustrate the uneven abilities that renaeden so well defined the spectrum as having. On the one hand you give the impression of very good technical abilities in tool usage, basic troubleshooting and general technical acumen in certain areas, OTOH you seem to get genuinely confused at who is who and who posted what apart fron your absences here.
I think I should except your assessment, but it is too close to my secret mark to make hay.
Cheers. A taste of my world may not to your best interest. Keep aside, if so.
I would not want to deal with your medical trouble. I hope that gets better.
Well, guess what? ... as far as my medical issues, mostly referring to my hip replacement, I am well ahead of most who have undergone similar surgeries.
There are many degrees of hip surgery, BTW.
I had my pelvis hollowed out on that side to make room for a curved plate to be inserted with two screws, solidifying the "socket" part of my ball and socket joint that had been fractured four times in the past. That plate was intended to compliment the rest of the prosthesis which involved having my femur sawed off and then excavated to make room for an implant which would simulate the upper ball part of my femur, completing my "ball and socket" hip joint.
I am still taking some mild pain meds (Tramadol), but I can no longer feel the actual, EXACT LOCATION of every inch of the prosthesis and the screws that hold it all in place, as it is now becoming a part of my body, since my femur and my pelvis have begun to produce healing, encircling bone growth around the metal parts.
I am doing much better, thank you. Just Tuesday, I had X-Rays again and my doc was very pleased.
Thanks for your concern.