And Duke, you ARE still a nobody.
I joined AFF to have a look-see at what was happening, mainly cos pandora had told me what a fuckstick Shrek was (and still is). Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be a lot happening, and I guess you had to walk on shells when you wanted to say something. Not as bad as Wankplanet, but nowhere near as free as here. BUT you must remember, if you break the rules, like Duke seems to have done, then you suffer the consequences. Now with here, odeon doesn't ban (unless it's a TOS violation such as Ahayes or peegay did) - he just keeps them here so that the rest of us can roast them on a spit and savour the juices.
So feel free to post all the shit you want Duke, just remember there's a BFG9000 pointed at your ass.