Trolling AFF would be piss easy though. A concerned parent persona would be excellent for the role, especially one who resorts to bizarre (but mundane and harmless, like giving my persona's child a teaspoon of honey daily or something weird) remedies to cure my persona's child of Autism. Basically I'd be kind and inoffensive, and even pretend to understand arguments and respond with 'motherly' concerns. When the militant aspies bite the hook, I'd basically point out how rude they are, saying they don't help to argue against my pursuit of a cure. If the caring aspies bite the hook, I'd basically pull of a sob story routine and explain that I'm forced into the position I'm in. Once both sides bite the hook, the game to pin them against each other begins by telling the caring one, that, how can I trust that my persona's child will be fine if people like the 'miltant' aspie types exist? Will he become a hateful person like them and hate me too? Then tell the miltant one that, how can you people be supposedly better than us if you just as full of hatred and contempt of the world as we NTs are? Have you no sense of compassion? I want to help my child and you're attitude doesn't help me at all.
If done right, the caring one will defend me and the militant one will criticise the caring one and me for being ignorant. Snowball this reaction and you have a divided community. Then for ultimate favour after a shitstorm has broken out, I'd simply post a thread with "I really need to say something important..." as it's title and write:
"YHBT... Problem, moderators? *trollface*" and leave.
See, piss easy to do with some creativity, but the real factor is motivation; which I don't have, so relax I won't do it. Besides I'm sure this wouldn't work too well if it's been done before.