No worries. I was never really offended. You really should be nicer to the other people on the site as well though. With a lot of the things you say to people you make them angry, when it would be better trying to make friends with them.
You see, that's my problem. I tend to be an instigator, when I have trouble with catching anyone's attention and/or having something interesting to talk about. I feel like a little retarded child in an adult male's body.
What's even worse is that 9 times out of 10, I am the one expected to take the initiative. Otherwise, no one else will.
I don't hold any anger towards anyone on here because I embarrassed myself on here. I trolled myself. I don't want to be the next Internet Chris-chan. Then I would have no chance of getting any friends on the Internet AND in real life.
I was diagnosed with high functioning autism and ADHD when I was 2 years old. I got diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and again, ADHD, about 1 year ago. I didn't even know what autism was until a couple of years ago. I see how it has affected my life and the way I behaved. For 17 years, I believed that I was Mentally Retarded! Emotionally abusive parents did not help my situation any.
I'm used to being the village idiot. But I would like to be acknowledged as a human being as feelings and actually has a little bit of intelligence and sense, if any. If people don't think I am retarded, then more than likely, they think that I am just incredibly dull.
To anyone reading this and think that I am not being true to my word. Then I will save you the trouble of pulling out the "emo" smiley for you.