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Your Master's Voice...

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here you go, beowul...

whoops, too late.  sorry.  :(


--- Quote from: odeon on September 23, 2006, 02:25:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: QuirkyCarla on September 23, 2006, 01:18:16 PM ---so what are our orders today, odeon?

--- End quote ---

Shut up and get me a beer, woman! ;)

--- End quote ---

Yes, master. *gets odeon a beer*

Ahh was that from the silly story thread, they did try theyre ahem best didnt they, but well they were lacking true skill, effort and imagination.
I mean us at intensity could do it so much better, especially individuals like Lucifer and myself, but well i stopped doing the storyboard thing at primary school. ;D

Good luck with the job your doing Lucifer.


--- Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze on September 23, 2006, 10:00:46 PM ---i stopped doing the storyboard thing at primary school. ;D
--- End quote ---

How boring! Guess I haven't grown up yet... I do that storyboard thing for a living.



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