I sometimes think that Meadow is Sinsboldly? They both are capable of dramas.
No they are two different people. Do you think she created Meadow and aspiartist and had a fight with herself on the forum just to stir up shit and getting into a fight with fnord or few other members?
I hope that isn't true.
Stranger things have happened. I personally think that meadow and Sinsbitchly are not one in the same, and I would dread to think of the ramifications if they were. I think Ian is just throwing us a possibility that something could be rotten in Denmark IF that were the case.
If you think I'm Sinswhatever, then whatever, but yeah, forums can be crazy-making that way. I don't think I'm anything like her and not sure how I could be mistaken for her either. Ian just wants to start trouble and then play the nice guy after. Passive-aggressive type I guess.
Oh, bye again.