No such person as God.
A little drink now and then isn't self destructive - in fact, research suggests it may even be beneficial to your health you have a little drink now and again.
Oh, look. An Atheist. A person who does not have any faith in God and is unwilling to follow the teachings of the Holy Bible. Well, I guess your life does not hold any meaning, now, does it? 
Sin away! We shall see who is wrong at the end, Pikachu!
au contraire, the best possible cause in life is the betterment and advancement of humanity, and better living thorough scientific and technological means.
My life holds meaning; to advance technology and to help integrate people with technology.
Secondary objectives include supporting and fostering the autism community.
I don't need a fairy tale to give my life meaning.
We will indeed see who is wrong at the end; but what makes you so sure that your religion is the correct one, there are many that predate the Abrahamic faiths.
Oh, how noble of you, Pikachu. So you are yet another one of those corporate bastards who wants to make people even more reliant on technology?
It's gonna be really funny sad when this planet gets hit by a Gamma Ray. Then you would be rendered useless, Pikachu. Just a useless Atheist who runs an Aspie forum full of whiny emos...
Just like Alex Plank! 
Newsflash; the planet is hit by gamma rays at about a rate of one to two a day, e'rry day.
Uh... by "Gamma Ray"... I meant "Meteorite". Now who's going to prove me wrong about THAT? 
No, we're all proper fucked then.
This is assuming, of course, that it's a big one; shit falls into the atmosphere regularly. Best way to get rid of space junk, actually.
Stupid gobshite can't even tell the difference between a gamma ray and a meteorite.
Oh, Judy, you fucking Christians pinched all you have from us Pagans, only perverted it to your way of 'thinking'. You lay the guilt trip on everybody because some fuckwit sat you down in Sunday school and fed you a whole pile off bullshit about 'sinning is evil' and 'Jesus is the only true answer'. Well, the bible is only an ideology created by some assholes having visions about a 'God' they've never seen or heard from, and you expect us to take that seriously? Yeah, I'm Pagan, but I don't go ramming my beliefs (which are what they are, not facts per se) down everyone's throat, so why must we have 19 year old twerps proselytizing their crap to us? If we want to eat, drink and be merry, then we will, while you read your 'thou shalt nots' and prepare for some bullshit apocalypse that is only a figment of some warped imagination.
God is not just some person, he is a deity. How the Hell do you think this whole damn universe got started in the first place? Some science fiction bullcrap like "The Big Bang"? No. God created the universe, the Earth, and all of us. He does not merely "control" us because God gives us all free will. But he just has a few VERY resonable rules to live by. How hard is it, really, to save the sex time for marriage? Hell, that's the smartest thing to do, is to WAIT. Don't believe in all that "safe sex" bullcrap. Man has, for many many years, tried over and over again to evade the consequences of sinning, only to BURN for it!
You Atheists may claim to not have a religion, but Science and Law, which are merely creations of flawed man, are your religions. Christianity is about love, peace, compassion, honesty, and integrity. Don't let the idiotic extremists of Christianity give you the wrong idea. And the Holy Bible has not been properly translated in a lot of places. Keep that in mind before you insult Christianity, bitches!