^ Um, please don't. Well, not unless you want to give Shleed a hard on, that is 
Personally I think it'd make his hair stand on end, and he's got plenty according to the pics.
I've always questioned Shleed's sexuality is where the reference came from. Mostly from his ridiculous outbursts at GA's transitioning and also a particular comment which I'm not going to repeat in case he has a cry about it.

Let me guess, the typical piss taking of GA's attitude? That's what I figured you were having a go at.

Personally I can understand of idea of disassociation of mind-body identity though, as I experience it. Not just with gender either, I feel quite alien about what I see is physically me, and what I mentally feel is something complete different; like my body is a mere vessel for my true self to interact with reality, instead of being apart of me. So yeah, impossible to 'fix'. I chose to come to terms with what my body is instead of pursuing a false imitation of what I want, whatever the hell that truly is exactly. Natural or bust is my current policy, so unless my body mutated naturally or somehow I will it into a form I prefer, I'm stuck with what I have.