I was at AFF, minding my own business, when you came up and called me a "worthless troll" in a thread. I'm not offended that you called me that name, but what made me mad is that it was the only post I have seen from you on AFF, meaning that you just came on there to try to undermine me and my posts! 
Keep your fatass out of my business, you hear? That goes for anyone else here on Intensity Squared. I think this forum had enough of hearing about drama on other forums, so don't try to start it again.
Duke_Nukem from AFF
I want to make sure I have this straight.
You're not upset because CBC called you a "worthless troll," but you are upset because you think she joined AFF just to spy on you?
She has been a member there for four years, which is three years longer than you have been, and she has thousands of posts there.
So she didn't join just to spy on you.
She hasn't posted as much there recently as she has here, but I think that may be because here is more fun for her than there lately. I looked, but I can't find the relevant thread on AFF perhaps because it has been deleted or perhaps because I'm a guest there and it's in a part of the forum that guest can't see. I did see quite a few posts CBC made during August, so she obviously has interests there other than you.
If you agreed with someone who said a suicidal person should just go ahead and kill himself or herself, then I could see how she could think you were trolling. I think she would be very concerned if a suicidal person posted there and if it appeared that some members of AFF were egging this suicidal person on. I can't find the thread, so this may not have been your intent. But AFF is supposed to be a support site, so I can understand her reaction if this is what she believed.
If you are upset because CBC called you a "worthless troll" on AFF when it was not your intent to be, because you care about what the other members there think of you, then I wonder if she would have responded differently if you told her this in a less confrontational way.