Hmmm... I take it that Sir Less Patterson's threats are empty. I'm very disappointed! 
No Judy. No empty threats. I was just seeing if you would man up yet and apologise for being a little bitch
So you were threatening me just to see if I would "man up" and apologize to the little bitch? Is that NOT an empty threat?

No it isn't. I was seeing if you were going to do this before I followed through. I was giving you a fighting chance. You don't man up and I take you out.
Sledge is right here. You are a sensitive little bitch and you NEED AFF for support.
That IS your weak point.
All good Judy. Nice tough guy speak anyhow and denial that you are a sensitive little bitch.
BTW Judy you may have seen that I am currently a bit preoccupied with RL issues but that said I will over the next couple of weeks find where you go and under what names and start seeing if I can cut your support right from under you. Give me time.