Anyway, Abbott is a festering sore and has as much chance of getting in as Obama has of passing for white.
Well, Obama passed as a black African American stock, when clearly, he isn't. His mother is white and his father is Kenyan and he has never been brought up in the context of generations of slavery and black supression in America. It's almost like a half Jamaican/Half white person being Prime Minister here and representing our indigenous population.

Looks like a hung parliament; first since WW2. Funny thing is, Europe has them all the time, and manages to work something out, yet everyone here is shitting themselves and wants to check the Constitution. Well, we got what we wanted, a hamstrung government that needs Independents and the Greens to get anything through. Gillard may not have the numbers, but she gets first crack at the GG to form a minority govt. Then it's Abbott's turn. Well, neither has the numbers yet, so more bribery and gladhanding will be going on the likes anyone has ever seen before. Serves everyone right.