Here's the latest development.
Because of the nature of my job, I had to report the incident, so I reported it to my department security representative, but I left it very generic. He asked for more information, but I didn't respond...partially due to my conflict avoidance and partially due to my belief that sharing personal information at work has been nothing but detrimental to my career, if you can call it that, and will only be used against me. So yesterday I get an e-mail from Division Head, who is my supervisor's boss and the one who has made it clear she wants me gone and I will not be promoted, given a raise, or anything as long as she is on that position, asking me for more details. The problem is, she should not have known about this. The security representative had no right to share this information with management. Now she has more ammo against me in her quest to get me fired. Today, I went to HR and discussed the implications and meet later this week with the counselor to determine if I should file a formal grievance or not. I also went down to our Command's security office and officially reported the incident to them, bypassing my department. They said this will not affect my clearance. Worst case, when my clearance comes up for review, I might get interviewed again to clarify what happened. But that will only happen if convicted and I am anticipating this getting thrown out.