Author Topic: Close call today  (Read 854 times)

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Offline normal_impaired

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Re: Close call today
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2010, 01:08:04 AM »
Close one. Glad you're alright.

Not really, I knew the capacitors wouldn't have enough of a charge to do any actual damage.  I disconnected the mains power before doing anything.  So it wasn't really a close call since I knew I wasn't in any danger, I just should've discharged the capacitors first.

What most people don't seem to understand is that it's not voltage that kills, but current.  When you walk across a carpet and touch a doorknob, that spark is well over a million volts, but it's a tiny fraction of a miliamp, so it doesn't do anything except for the feeling.  So yes, I got hit with a thousand volts, but not with enough current to do any damage.
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