The whole "eccentric artists/brilliant professor/indigo child thing makes me very repulsed.
Being an artist is my passion and people give thanks becuase of the Aspergers. It's not cause of that.
It also gives self-entailment
It's just becuase I got the luck of the draw and got creative genes from relatives. It's not becuase of "she has aspergers syndrome"
My family and friends say I got an "intense personality that intimidates people" and guess what? thats Aspergers.
I got the lucky too becuase my mom has an intense dominating personality. Not trying to be self entitled just honest. and I'm honest
that i'm not a very nice person. I'm angry, impulsive, impatient ect. So I'm not full of myself saying these things.
OH and my anger is "she has aspergers syndrome"
Maybe it;s just becuase I'm an angry person.Maybe it's becuase my mom is angry person. Maybe it's just becuase obsessive compulsive and control freak behavior run in my family.
When I went to camp for special needs the majority of aspie girls were meek with their noses in Harry Potter books
and the guys were reciting family guy episodes. No Albert Einsteins and Thomas Edison's here. Fat lazy people. It's not there
fault it's usually there parents that push them hard them enough to avoid spaz fits.
This whole thing will raise the ego of an aspie to the point they cant point out flaws and see themselves
as a race of super-geniuses like Chris Chan. He's an Autie not an Aspie but he hates Aspies cause they
"take the limelight" so I call him an aspsie and he hates that.
Albert Einstein probably did have aspergers hearing his accounts but there wasn't any distractions like Pokemon and video games.
Just other things to learn facts about.
Trust me this stuff is like the ultimate apsie sin.

Ha I'm the hypocrite playing Elder Scrolls right now. But in moderation. I play about an hour a day before it was about 14 hours a day.