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Another chat night?

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Since people seemed to have fun last week there will be another chat 'night' this week (even if we don't get the turn out we did last week).

Teejay has requested that we have it on a saturday night (UK time) since when its Sunday night in the UK its Monday morning in Oz and since Saturday is also Badger Tom's birthday it seems a good as night as any  :)

Shame drill as last week- chat will kick off at 10pm UK time/2pm Pacific time/5pm East Coast time- getting pissed is of course entirely optional  :D

Hope to see some of you there again  :)

can we at last make nakedness mandatory?


--- Quote from: McJagger on September 21, 2006, 01:15:33 PM ---can we at last make nakedness mandatory?

--- End quote ---

Shhhhh... I was waiting till they arrived to inform them of that rule :D

will dunc make a mix?

i am envisioning something that sounds like the soundtrack to wild orchid.

I am confused, when i drink with friends, groping people and saying x rated things is discouraged.  Yet it is the opinion of many of the people there that it was tame.  I am so trained to behave that it took me over a half a bottle of tequilla to start doing (normally) unacceptable things.


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