ok so i've been noticing myself getting increasingly weird looking. i have breakouts worse than before, my whole skin looks weird and grey and red from the zits and then under my eyes it's purple and ridiculous, like zombie make up. i have to put on make up to go outside. and i'm noticing bruises on my legs and don't recall bumping that many times into stuff, and i'm tired a lot but that's due to anemia and PMS, but i dunno, i feel like i'm falling apart.

i've also been gaining weight, which is NOT FUN. i'm gonna start running if i get my strength back after my period.

there are good areas here to run. i don't wanna leave an ugly corpse.
so yeah, am i dying? i'd know if i had cancer. but is there something else? maybe it's all the alcohol. or i'm overreacting.

i just don't get it.

maybe beta blockers would help.