oh boy.
well, there's Quantum Leap. that's number one. Twilight Zone, Star Trek, SeaQuest (the later seasons it really goes wild and it's a funny show) Outer Limits and Earth 2. then there's my obsession with Stargate, movie and all series although i haven't gotten to SGU, and i really gotta finish SCG and SGA first. then there's Farscape, it's an australian show with jim henson aliens and weird shit. highly recommended. i stopped watching it cuz i missed an epi, so i still gotta finish that as well. i was finally seeing the whole thing from the start but it'll be on again, FX runs shows a million times.
i enjoyed Roddenberry's less known show Earth: Final Conflict too, the aliens are cool. i'm into Da'an.

for Scifi movies, i just saw Moon, with Sam Rockwell. recommend that. and Supernova. and The Sphere. and Galaxy Quest. i can't remember any more.
what do you like?