
Author Topic: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion  (Read 19493 times)

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2006, 01:12:41 AM »
but there's nothing else going on  :-\

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2006, 01:29:12 AM »
 :laugh: +1, QC.

I wrote a lengthy reply, defending the Qur'an. Thankfully, Firefox crashed. Instead of recreating what I wrote, let me just say that Lucifer's right. Don't feed the troll.

I already questioned the troll's dx, which means that this thread should be over, OK? :laugh:
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Offline QuirkyCarla

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2006, 01:31:21 AM »

Offline Lucifer

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2006, 01:40:42 AM »
okay, QC, just so you won't be bored:

Yeah, but to be fair that goes ashy-pale in comparison. There's hurting peoples feelings and then there's that BTK stuff thing they've even been doing to their own in Iraq these days (aside from blowing up 'heathens') - hard thing to really put that on equal ground. Yeah, I definitely don't believe in the generalities a certain someone was spouting off but still, I really don't think christianity has nearly as many fangs left as people in the media or in activist groups really try to espouse at times.

not so, techstep.  okay, so christian fundies might not strap explosives to their backs and charge into pagan circles screaming "all things bright and beautiful", but you really think that the way the Exclusive Brethren treat women and kids is okay?  or the way that the Catholic church outlaws condoms so that people can't protect themselves against HIV infection, and women exhaust themselves by having to be baby factories?  or the "you're born with original sin, and therefore you're already shit before you start" mentality - great for self esteem, i don't think.  just because the hatred is more insidious doesn't   make the results any the less appalling - you should see some of the psychological wrecks i've worked with, kids and adults.  some of the so-called christian ideas should be investigated by Amnesty, to be honest, and not just the fundamentalists, either. 

however, i will say one thing to other people who've replied, here and on the other thread:  i won't defend any religion/culture/whatever in any sort of blanket way (unless someone is attacking it in a blanket way, of course), because it's completely idiotic to homogenise such huge swathes of people.  fundamentalists of whatever flavour are dangerous, christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, pagan or any other, cos they will not allow anyone else to have an opinion which differs from theirs, and go to extreme measures to ensure this doesn't happen.  there are the examples i cite above, and then there's the caste system in hinduism; the inferior position of women in many religions and spiritual paths (i hesitate to say "the majority", although i suspect that may be the case); the anti-christian sentiment of pagan fundies; the exploitation of certain pagan "customs" to allow for irresponsible and abusive behaviour; blah, blah, blah.

my point is that it's just daft to bang on about who's worse than who.  as i've said somewhere else, the fashionable people to bash at the moment are muslims.  it's been christians, jews, muslims, gay people, lepers, witches, etc., etc., before, so it's just the merry-go-round turning.  some people need a scapegoat, and they ain't going to listen to reason, so why bother wasting energy trying to convince them?  one may as well just have fun at their expense - at least they're serving a useful purpose, then.  (nearly a joke, but not completely).  let him/her babble on to themselves, until they develop an internal locus of control and start wanting to think for themselves.  then i'll support them in any way i can - it's a bit like "de-brainwashing", or whatever it's called, and i'm quite good at that.

so, i don't know for absolute sure if I have AS, so that's this thread buggered for the second (or is it third?) time.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2006, 01:41:30 AM »
:laugh: +1, QC.

I wrote a lengthy reply, defending the Qur'an. Thankfully, Firefox crashed. Instead of recreating what I wrote, let me just say that Lucifer's right. Don't feed the troll.

I already questioned the troll's dx, which means that this thread should be over, OK? :laugh:

whoops...   :-[

i'll be fucked if i'm letting that nice long post go to waste, though, especially as i had to field two phone calls whilst writing it.


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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2006, 06:13:09 AM »
Crusader should had the guts to express his or her's opinions without having to use a sock puppet. However I agree with some of the stuff Crusader is saying, we are pussyfooting the menance of fundamentalist islam, it is totally unlike christian fundamentalism which is fairly harmless. Christian fundamentalists want to peacefully impose their agenda via the democratic process, Islamic fundamentalists generally want to wage war on everybody who does not subscribe to their beliefs, very much like the Communists and Nazis.

Very much so mortal friend. Us Christians have always used peaceful means to project our message. We never kills ourselves to further our own faith. That is against the word of God. Islam in it's very nature is violent. Muslims should NOT be free to preach their violent message openly in our society.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2006, 06:16:03 AM »
i oppose any opposition to free speech.

youhave completely lost with me, unless you recant your last statement.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2006, 06:24:07 AM »
Lucifer, living in the US it kinda seems like what people have to worry about is less the 'exclusive brethren' and probably more just the cracked out or alcoholic hillbillies who somehow take that as right to beat their kids or wives over any indescretion and yeah - that's a major twist on the words of the bible, its just people being stupid. On the sexuality thing though yeah, I believe that's flawed thinking. As far as the condoms though, when I used to go to church, up until I was 17 and my parents were still making me show up, I noticed most of the girls my age there were coming in hungover and lots of em were getting pregnant - not pregnant from not using condoms, they could care less about what the church had to say, pregnant because they didn't wanna use em or because they forgot to take the pill. Yeah, I guess the whole 'no condoms' notion probably did lend em an excuse when they didn't feel like going to the store but I guess what I'm really getting at is for the most part its a really hollow secular dance these days - kind of a place where yuppies just get together, be yuppies, sing Jesus songs over guitar, even when people hardly show in their actions anymore that they even know why they're in church they still look to the actual event every Sunday as a staple in their lives before having a cook-out or taking the kids to a little-league game.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2006, 07:55:36 AM »

I'm going to have to disagree about Christian fundamentalists being peaceful. Supporting war and hating gays isn't peaceful, among other things.

They are where I live, I do not count protesting at gay pride parades as particularly violent. On the other hand our local Islamic fundamentalists can be a violent lot.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2006, 12:54:23 PM »
Thinking of this did you hear how at his last great UN speeh Ahmadinejad actually kind of set an offer to Iraq like "Hey, lets be friends"? I'm really hoping that Grand Ayatollah Sistani, however he chooses to say it, tells him to piss off.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2006, 02:13:10 PM »

I'm going to have to disagree about Christian fundamentalists being peaceful. Supporting war and hating gays isn't peaceful, among other things.

They are where I live, I do not count protesting at gay pride parades as particularly violent. On the other hand our local Islamic fundamentalists can be a violent lot.

in america they use snipers to kill abortion doctors and also blow up abortion clinics, to name just a couple of the violent acts committed by christian fundamentalists in modern times.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #101 on: September 22, 2006, 03:24:49 PM »
It seems to me that people who do that are either trying to provoke a response with shit they don't really mean,
You act as if that was a bad thing :P
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Offline Nomaken

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #102 on: September 23, 2006, 03:28:15 AM »
I really wish I had it in me to write a spiteful, ignorant post that incited rage and indignation.  And I could give it a real shot, if people wanted me to.  And I wouldnt even use a sock puppet account, i'd just make mention that i specifically crafted it to piss people off.  But does anybody want me to?

Another thing:  Why don't we wanna feel the trolls?  Isnt it a blessed thing, a beautiful thing when somebody sacrifices their credibility and their tolerance from the majority of people to give to us righteous indignation?  Doesn't it feel good to know you are right, that everyone around you agrees wholeheartedly that this... common enemy is so so wrong? ^_~
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 01:24:48 PM by Nomaken »
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #103 on: September 23, 2006, 04:08:54 AM »
It seems to me that people who do that are either trying to provoke a response with shit they don't really mean,
You act as if that was a bad thing :P

Nah, but if you're going to do it at least have the balls to use your usual user name.


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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2006, 09:11:20 AM »
I have never used any 'Asperger' forum before. All I know is that Islam should be strictly controlled just as drugs or tobacco should be. We can't allow this disease to spread anymore and damage our society.