
Author Topic: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion  (Read 19377 times)

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Offline Lestat

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #435 on: December 01, 2017, 06:10:59 PM »
Your calling me a junkie, druggie etc. As if the act of altering one's consciousness (and I should think we can agree on this point, no?: a person's body ought to be inviolable, sovereign territory to that person. The owners of said bodies are the people, and the only people entitled to make a demand of them. Yes, people may of course cede degrees of freedom to another to do things with and to them, but fundamental ownership of an individual's body and mind, remain the domain of the individual. I.e fair enough to say 'yes' to someone interacting, but should that permission be later rescinded, other people are violating the rights of the person should that revocation not be respected)

And the reason I say you are behaving as a bigot, is that you presume to judge somebody for doing something with their own body that does not involve using it to violate the rights of others to their own personal integrity and bodily/psychic sovereignty.

I have every right to do what I want to MY body. And none whatsoever to do things to those of others unless they either tell me to do it, or ask it of me. And should somebody do so and change their mind during whatever the thing done is taking place, then I must cease.

It is no more acceptable to force somebody to do 'this, and only this' with their personal biochemistry, as long as what is done does not trespass upon other people, than is any form of sexual force exerted against another against their will, or, outside of defense, or protecting somebody who is assaulted, from doing so with physical violence. Yes, for the last, there exist reasons which may validate  that course of action, but for the two former, no. Not if consent is withheld.)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #436 on: December 02, 2017, 02:34:26 AM »
You think that your addiction has no consequences on others? Seriously? That you can pick and choose among laws and regulations, simply ignoring the ones that don't match your personal convictions?

This is exactly why I can't stand junkies. If you think that's bigotry, then I can't help you.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #437 on: December 02, 2017, 02:36:30 AM »
Oh, and I assume you think your using your place as a lab has no consequences on others, either?
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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #438 on: December 02, 2017, 02:38:49 AM »
I do not care if anyone here is a using any drugs or a smoker or a drinker or even if they are Autistic :P
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #439 on: December 02, 2017, 02:49:26 AM »
Junkies' actions always have consequences to others but it's something they tend not to understand or want to understand. Addiction is a powerful motivator for hiding your head in the sand.

It's kind of a cheap trick to throw in autism in your post, don't you think? Where's the relevance, apart form this particular junkie being a spazz?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #440 on: December 02, 2017, 04:38:39 AM »
Junkies' actions always have consequences to others but it's something they tend not to understand or want to understand. Addiction is a powerful motivator for hiding your head in the sand.

It's kind of a cheap trick to throw in autism in your post, don't you think? Where's the relevance, apart form this particular junkie being a spazz?

Well not wanting to start anything here as well I will say a few things.

Firstly, Lestat is a big boy and not likely to be that concerned as to what a Middle Aged Australian thinks of him nor for that matter a Middle Age Swedish man. Whatever impact you or I may think we have on him is likely lost because it is just a forum and calling him names is simply sticks and stones.

Secondly, neither you nor I really understand his usage of drugs or how problematic it is and whilst we can make any base assumptions on that it is not divine truth and I do not think such proclamations ought to be seen as such.

Thirdly, with respect to drugs or any proclivities of ANY member, we do not know what we do not know. You drink ale and I drink bourbon. Do we ever drink in excess? The answer is obvious. Are either of us problem drinkers. I will tell you I am not and you may or may not believe that. You may say the same and I may or may not believe that too. Same goes for any member. Do either of us or anyone else here use alcohol to dull the edges after a grueling week? Are any of us here driven to drinking through the week? Any of us here is desperate need of AA? Again, I don't know? What we do know about members here, even very active long term members pales in comparison to what we don't know. Pretending we know more is what it is. Trading insults and barbs are run of the mill here and I do not dislike it even.

What we do know is we are all Autistic...or at least to be here and owning it makes it likely.

By all means, I am not going to stop you firing off at him or visa versa. It is nothing less than what has been done before with Lestat and MLA. More of the same. I am just trying to add a little levity and absurdity. I can wear failure in such attempts.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #441 on: December 02, 2017, 06:50:03 AM »
Junkies' actions always have consequences to others but it's something they tend not to understand or want to understand. Addiction is a powerful motivator for hiding your head in the sand.
Tend to not view pain management patients as junkies, because usage didn't begin as a lifestyle choice and it seems heartless to bash on someone who has a legitimate prescription for pain. Though from a removed acquaintance perspective it's more difficult to have genuine compassion about it. Have lost two work team members to long term pain management. It's true they caused problems for the entire department. They were nice people with a good work ethic, but the job is too demanding and detailed for someone constantly in a fog. With one, personally was assigned the task of destroying them, daily audits of their work and compiling a log of all their errors to be used as ammunition for grounds for firing. With the other, someone else was assigned the role of back stabber.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #442 on: December 02, 2017, 07:56:25 AM »
As far as a lab goes (and no, that isn't its sole purpose), if others are unharmed by its presence, and content enough for the person (there is only one) owning the house to permit it, and indeed to have given equipment as a b/day or xmas gift, which has happened then is it not safe to say they are not unduly inconvenienced by it? I doubt very much, were its presence detested that the one other in its presence would decide of their own accord, to give its owner something for it.

As for addiction, the only thing that could be called such (unless you include science of most descriptions, from personally conducted chem/bio/physics stuff to spending days reading paleontology journals), at least to a substance is to pain meds. I DON'T take anything from anybody not given, or transacted unless you count refill RX's from a GP surgery, and what a pharmacist gives in exchange for those RX's-that cannot be by any estimation taking something which I have not the right to in a sense of depriving others of what is theirs, or what they have the right to.

Yes, they have side effects. No, they are far from perfect. But if its a choice between mobility and being physically able to lie down and to make a knowing tradeoff  between negatives and positives and necessity then there is quite obviously a problem, medically speaking which does require such a choice to be made, regardless of which choice is made.

And the other need is the anticonvulsant which is, secondarily a sedative-hypnotic, albeit with remarkably low, and in my case zero physical dependence, save in the sense that I do need it, because it serves to prevent seizures. Without it, I'd have them, with, 95% of the time I can kill the things before they get started, and were the drug to be  taken away and my left with no protection, I'd be right back where I started before I began taking that medication. That is certainly different from either a psychological habit, or a physiological dependence in which lack of the med would cause a direct consequence by way of a withdrawal, as opposed to removing the protection it provides against a serious medical problem (the seizures).

Sure, the pain meds are an intoxicant. They aren't breaking any law however. Any that might be bent a little, so to speak, would be in the case of something fulfilling a role similar to either Odeon's ale, should he ever drink a few beers to unwind, or Al's bourbon. In the case of Al and odeon, their tastes differ as does mine. One prefers ale the other bourbon. I'm not much of a drinker, not very often at least, once in a great while I will get drunk. If I had to pick between the two, I'd go for beer. Why? because I have an intense personal distaste for anything resembling whiskey. The smell makes me want to puke. Some prefer wine, I can't drink it without holding my nose and tipping it back and rinsing my mouth after, which I've done perhaps three times in my lifespan (when I was a kid too young to buy it and getting drunk socially was to be done, and the means to do so rather restrictive to my taste. And I don't intend on drinking it again)

To achieve the same aim, on an occasional basis, I don't particularly see how the particular configuration of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, more often also nitrogen, that people ingest in order to reach the same end goal should have any particular bearing upon the person's right to reach essentially the same goal. It is little different to if I am to consume alcohol, having a preference for one preparation of it over another. Different tastes, but I defy even you odeon, to deny that were my preference in non-spirituous beverages of the alcoholic kind for wine in place of beer that I would lack the right to choose in that direction. How about were I to choose a different kind of consumable alcohol? there are others, such as tertiary pentyl alcohol which provide similar effects but are consumed by the mililiter or by the few hundred mg to a gram or so, and which in the cases of tertiary alcohols, they don't get metabolized to nasty aldehyde metabolites like the commonly drunk alcohol, ethanol does and they can possess less toxicity to the liver, nasty fruity acetaldehyde taste on one's breath but if misused, and one became an alcoholic on any of them, the end result would be much the same, bar possibly the cirrhosis of the liver.

If I drink off the shelf booze and treat people like an asshole, that would be me at fault. if I consume an alternate and cleaner-feeling, to my own individual taste, more pleasant kind of alcohol like that aforementioned 2-methyl-butan-2-ol and treat somebody like an asshole, its my fault in equal measure. If however I decide to consume either one, to rest my feet on the sofa and fire up a videogame, minding my own business whilst now and again under the influence of either one, do I thereby trespass upon the fundamental rights of another being by virtue of the alcohol in question having 5 carbons, and the according number of hydrogen atoms as opposed to two carbons?

Looking at it logically, the nature of the person's actions, rather than the chemical entity ingested, ought to be that which dictates the right or wrong, since a chemical in a container cannot bear inherent guilt, it not being a sentient living thing. It acts only when surrounded by the bag of nerves, meat, water and squishy things that makes up your average living thing. And the actions of said bag of squishy bits are, in humans at least, to be dictated by that human.

I, you, al, CBC, ren, elle, funwithmatches, the lot of us, we all share that much, same with any member here barring spambots, the capability to act according to our will in that we decide the voluntary activity of our associated meat-bags, and its that activity any of us bear responsibility for. And ergo the conduct which that activity makes up and by which we interact with others. This being, as far as I can tell, the most important factor.

And it is a good point Al makes. Nobody is present from this forum standing by any of our sides, with odd exceptions such as say, ren and ceilidh, so the only judgement which can be made by a remote entity is based on subjective inference, not objective testing. Others not present with one another may see only what is presented through that lens, and attempt to put together a partial picture based on fragments, which is of course, unlikely to show the true, objective reality in any one case.

And Al, sure your opinion is respected, inaslong as what you say has merit. if Odeon says something meritworthy, then likewise, I would view either as worthy of consideration. Mere sticks and stones, as Al put it, on the other and...well a middle finger received is likely to result in a middle finger given in return, I'll just as much give what I get to any. But any who merely wish to attempt to insult for the sake of dispensing insult, don't expect me either to take it to heart so much I go hang myself like an anorexic repeatedly teased and called fat, by a bunch of other teenage girls prone to cattiness and hissy fits. Those who do throw insult for insult's sake may expect to be met with the same, but I'm not going to waste time going out of my way for those who prove themselves to act in a manner undeserving of respect.

Al-as far as levity and absurdity, less of the latter than you may have expected. What you point out is logically sound.

As far as picking and choosing laws..well when they serve to maintain the peace, and prevent one member of society from invading the rights of another, that is reasonable, logical, and I have no desire to break such law.

I cannot on the flip side of the coin, respect a law designed to infringe the rights of a being to hold soverignty in thought or action upon that same being. Not all laws made by governments are good laws.

Would you respect the right of say, a court in some parts of africa, to hold on you assize, for the charge of witchcraft? such laws exist in some such countries there to this day. Or laws demanding you hand jews over for the gas chambers in nazi-era germany and axis-occupied land at the time? such laws are, quite plainly wrong, are they not? what about laws in places like saudi arabia, or other middle eastern countries which are still stoning homosexuals? Whether or not you wish anything to do with homosexuality, I doubt you would post in support of their being lynched, may I assume I am correct in this conclusion?

What have such laws got in common? they exist to transgress against the right of the individual to be the individual. (barring perhaps the sorcery example which is based on primitive superstition and in this day and age, idiocy, no person arrested for such a 'crime' ever actually being guilty thereof given the act itself cannot exist, and given the 'crime' cannot in reality be committed, all those so charged must logically therefore, be innocent)

And consider this, and balance it on the scales of justice, odeon: which is worse-a man going somewhere or being somewhere passive smoking cannot reach another person, stepping outside the back door etc, and smoking a joint. Or assaulting that same man for smoking the joint. They have posed no threat to society, yet the armed division of the legal system in return, has the right to pose a threat to them? and not only them, but potentially those who may depend on that person as a breadwinner for example?

One could argue that the breadwinner has a responsibility to the dependent. But assuming they are not acting in a manner to negatively impact their performance on the job, I would argue that the responsibility lies upon the legal system not to permit its agents to perform such an assault in the first place, given the 'crime' exists only in statute, and lacks inherently, anybody being made victim, in such a victimless 'crime' then the victim, is the one assaulted.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #443 on: December 02, 2017, 03:51:35 PM »
Junkies' actions always have consequences to others but it's something they tend not to understand or want to understand. Addiction is a powerful motivator for hiding your head in the sand.

It's kind of a cheap trick to throw in autism in your post, don't you think? Where's the relevance, apart form this particular junkie being a spazz?

Well not wanting to start anything here as well I will say a few things.

Firstly, Lestat is a big boy and not likely to be that concerned as to what a Middle Aged Australian thinks of him nor for that matter a Middle Age Swedish man. Whatever impact you or I may think we have on him is likely lost because it is just a forum and calling him names is simply sticks and stones.

Secondly, neither you nor I really understand his usage of drugs or how problematic it is and whilst we can make any base assumptions on that it is not divine truth and I do not think such proclamations ought to be seen as such.

Thirdly, with respect to drugs or any proclivities of ANY member, we do not know what we do not know. You drink ale and I drink bourbon. Do we ever drink in excess? The answer is obvious. Are either of us problem drinkers. I will tell you I am not and you may or may not believe that. You may say the same and I may or may not believe that too. Same goes for any member. Do either of us or anyone else here use alcohol to dull the edges after a grueling week? Are any of us here driven to drinking through the week? Any of us here is desperate need of AA? Again, I don't know? What we do know about members here, even very active long term members pales in comparison to what we don't know. Pretending we know more is what it is. Trading insults and barbs are run of the mill here and I do not dislike it even.

What we do know is we are all Autistic...or at least to be here and owning it makes it likely.

By all means, I am not going to stop you firing off at him or visa versa. It is nothing less than what has been done before with Lestat and MLA. More of the same. I am just trying to add a little levity and absurdity. I can wear failure in such attempts.

OK, fair enough and I think I know what you want to say.

I'll just say this: I'm no newcomer to the world of addiction and what it does to people close to the addict. The addicts never know what they do to their surroundings, they never feel they are responsible in any way. It's one excuse after another and this one displays all of the signs.

There's *always* an excuse.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #444 on: December 02, 2017, 03:53:00 PM »
Junkies' actions always have consequences to others but it's something they tend not to understand or want to understand. Addiction is a powerful motivator for hiding your head in the sand.
Tend to not view pain management patients as junkies, because usage didn't begin as a lifestyle choice and it seems heartless to bash on someone who has a legitimate prescription for pain. Though from a removed acquaintance perspective it's more difficult to have genuine compassion about it. Have lost two work team members to long term pain management. It's true they caused problems for the entire department. They were nice people with a good work ethic, but the job is too demanding and detailed for someone constantly in a fog. With one, personally was assigned the task of destroying them, daily audits of their work and compiling a log of all their errors to be used as ammunition for grounds for firing. With the other, someone else was assigned the role of back stabber.

The junkie's first line of defence is always pain management. Fuck that.
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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #445 on: December 03, 2017, 02:47:52 AM »
Then any pain management patient is automatically a junkie? and regardless of their stated reasons for use of whatever their opioid medication, it is by default an excuse? what would you call somebody with cancer, then? somebody in severe pain, certainly (that much is recognized by the medical community at large, that a cancer patient may be subject to the most intractable of pain), so, when no prospect of remission exists, and its a matter of time, and that timescale is sufficient before eventual death due to disease, are these unfortunate people then, junkie scum of the earth?

Or does the emotional impact of 'cancer' exempt them from it, as opposed to any other injury incapable of healing?

I'd like to see what you would call yourself, should you find yourself in the exact same position I found myself; should you then require pain management. The knee issue is inoperable as best I know. They tried, and made things worse. I am not, as a result, too enthusiastic for round two and 'made worse still'. I'm just in my very early 30s now, so with age, my joints are going to, over time, as does the bone health and density of most people, so from a long term perspective I cannot afford to heap on damage now and start from a worse off point.

And in any case, replacing the joint is  not on offer to me, and they do not last forever.

In any case, if you dismiss everybody who speaks, and is in such a suitiation, as making an excuse, then by definition,  nobody speaks the truth. And everybody in crippling pain deserves all the mobility issues and miserable times they get, so do the cancer patients, so do those hit by drunk drivers through no fault of their own who've more pins and titanium bits in them than they have bone.

As for 'throwing autism in there' I don't see how its particularly relevant, aside from my interests, he (Al) didn't say it made me either a better, or worse person. He just stated it was something those on this forum, probably are, without further qualifying the statement, which is probably a correct one.

And as for the TOS-have you met his mother? can you confirm his mother isn't a swedish whore who enjoys a face full of jihadi spunk? I doubt either. Or are you more worried about her using this place to advertise for punters? I thought that type waited for their 72 virgins anyway, I'd not too worried, odeon, about I2 turning into a brothel as a result.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #446 on: December 04, 2017, 12:55:52 AM »
We're not talking about cancer patients, we are talking about you.

As for Scrap's sig, his intent with it perfectly obvious to most people here. Not about to discuss it further and certainly not with you.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #447 on: December 04, 2017, 06:08:45 AM »
As for Scrap's sig, his intent with it perfectly obvious to most people here.

Yeah, he shouldn't talk about your momma like that if he doesn't even know her. I've never met your momma either, the line was too long.  :zoinks:

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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #448 on: December 04, 2017, 06:55:00 AM »
As for Scrap's sig, his intent with it perfectly obvious to most people here.

Yeah, he shouldn't talk about your momma like that if he doesn't even know her. I've never met your momma either, the line was too long.  :zoinks:


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Re: Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion
« Reply #449 on: December 04, 2017, 03:48:48 PM »
I take scrap at his word. I'm assuming his mother is a swedish whore who likes to suck arab knob.

I didn't notice his saying anything about your poor, unfortunate mother, odeon. Are you perhaps projecting, maybe? His intent? only scrap can specify that, unless we have a telepath on the forums. A dictatorial sociopath might be findable, but as far as I am aware we don't have a mind reader. Sorry to hear that though scrap, that you have a jihadi-dick sucking swedish mongrel whore for a mother. Commiserations. Must be a real shame  to have a dirty cumguzzling slag like that for family :(
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.