Quite. And especially, if he is somehow insulted by somebody speaking of their own mother (I didn't see scrap name odeon in any way, so any insult odeon chooses to take is of his own choice, if he chooses to see an implication in it, but what is said about one party is said about one party. What odeon chooses to take from it is his business. I'm not stupid of course, and I can guess what might just be being thought, but I should have thought what somebody guesses somebody else might be thinking about a third party just a LITTLE bit too tenuous for the ISP to give a tinker's twat mushroom over)
Too bad for scrap's mom, living in a shithole like that, her cunt must have icicles growing off her ugly little mushroom infested minge. Bet the punters don't come back for seconds (assuming they haven't died off of some nasty strain of uber-gonorrhea or bled to death after the ugly ol' bitch's inner vaginal jaws bit their member off or else their bladder exploded after blockage from a sharp icicle....)
Wonder what the congenital deformity rate is round there? sky high I should imagine.
Just look for the kids that have looks that say 'my mother was an ugly diseased swedish whore with the looks of a moray eel and my dad was a venus flytrap-cum-hobo'
Either that, or there is likely to be a public state of panic as a result of mass hysteria about the children of Cthulhuwhorenborgen, deep ones, and something about the eating of souls in the hope of acquiring one, given that the progeny would have nothing of the sort in their lineage, the poor, ugly diseased moray eel-looking whore-spawn. I pity the bastards, even if the earth would be better off were they rounded up and the flamethrowers passed round among those with at least sufficient human blood not to have significant plasma levels of haemocyanin. (its a copper based oxygen transport protein common amongst mollusks of various kinds)
(and ever seen those eels? just like those ugly little cancerous growt....I mean...progeny..sorry, my mistake, an all too easy one to make, eh scrap? I'm guessing you must have gotten....is lucky the right word to be applied, to one adopted by a moray eel-cunted diseased slag with a cunt like a freezer stuck in a deep oceanic trench? well at least it was an adoption rather than a 9-month defaecation, thank hell for small mercies [if I were to invoke heaven in that case, I'd probably get either sued for defamation of character, or raped by an angel that got really pissed off at the association with something that crawled out of the decaying arse ring of a rotting heap of tubeworm-infested festering blubber which at one point might just have been a whale carcass.]
Wonder just how they survived the pressure changes, slithering up out of the ooze and up through 7-10km of water. Well water and rotting whale shit and pus, and fish with glass looking teeth that look as though they were grown for the express purpose of removing their own eyeballs if they get hungry enough down there in fuckup central.
So...who wants their dick sucked? no need for the five pence tip, feed the old slapper a handful of shrimp and she'll be happy for a year. Because lookie here...I DOX'ed the bitch and found her modeling portfolio, complete with a gob full of pressure-coagulated frozen jizm. Any takers?

And aren't the kids just adorable \/ \/ \/