Author Topic: The Religion of Peace strikes again.  (Read 1150 times)

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2010, 07:27:53 PM »

No matter how much wrong you can find in the origins of Islam. Similar wrong can be found in all kinds of cultures and religions.

It would be so convenient if evil was to be so easily pointed out. But it is not.
I do have great problems with fundamentalism, of any kind.
How about bombing people who are enjoying watching a sporting event? I have no difficulty calling the Islamic assholes who did that evil.
Pinpointing the bad of killing Theo van Gogh on Islam, made that muslim people were not feeling safe anymore. That schools were burned. Where's the good in that?
Why the hell should they feel safe when they are making the effort to make the survivors/witnesses of their own atrocities unsafe? 

The point is that the direct and absolute connection to a religion or a philosophy can not be made. 
Then why did you point out that they are Christian?
True, and a lot of mass murderings in WWII were based on a non-religious philosophy. People were killed, based on religion, offspring, sexual orientation and mental health because of a philosopy of the leader. And most of us still use some good inventions of that very same leader.
So exactly how does the history of mass murder by Nazis or Communists justify the terrorist mass murders being committed right now on an ongoing basis by Muslims Hyke? Does the fact that Stalin was an asshole make the Bali Bombings or the more recent bombings in Uganda okay?
But, there are historians telling that in the western European Middle-ages, girls could be wed out at the same age. That the Romans had an average age of consent of 12-14, but had put the minimum age at 7. Anything to keep the amount of baby boys high enough to be able to maintain a solid army.
Gee, I guess that makes it understandable and okay for Muslims to marry and fuck prepubescent girls today. Are you going to be evenhanded about making such practices okay based on historical precedent? Like, for example, is it also okay for a modern day Christian, Agnostic or Atheist people to fuck prepubescent girls, or would you reserve approval of that practice to Muslims only?

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2010, 02:49:17 AM »
Killing or harming innocent people for a "cause" is wrong, no matter in whose name they claim to do it. Actually it's just plain wrong, cause or no cause.
What about the guilty ones?

Guilty to what?
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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2010, 07:43:47 AM »

No matter how much wrong you can find in the origins of Islam. Similar wrong can be found in all kinds of cultures and religions.

It would be so convenient if evil was to be so easily pointed out. But it is not.
I do have great problems with fundamentalism, of any kind.
How about bombing people who are enjoying watching a sporting event? I have no difficulty calling the Islamic assholes who did that evil.
Pinpointing the bad of killing Theo van Gogh on Islam, made that muslim people were not feeling safe anymore. That schools were burned. Where's the good in that?
Why the hell should they feel safe when they are making the effort to make the survivors/witnesses of their own atrocities unsafe? 

The point is that the direct and absolute connection to a religion or a philosophy can not be made. 
Then why did you point out that they are Christian?
True, and a lot of mass murderings in WWII were based on a non-religious philosophy. People were killed, based on religion, offspring, sexual orientation and mental health because of a philosopy of the leader. And most of us still use some good inventions of that very same leader.
So exactly how does the history of mass murder by Nazis or Communists justify the terrorist mass murders being committed right now on an ongoing basis by Muslims Hyke? Does the fact that Stalin was an asshole make the Bali Bombings or the more recent bombings in Uganda okay?
But, there are historians telling that in the western European Middle-ages, girls could be wed out at the same age. That the Romans had an average age of consent of 12-14, but had put the minimum age at 7. Anything to keep the amount of baby boys high enough to be able to maintain a solid army.
Gee, I guess that makes it understandable and okay for Muslims to marry and fuck prepubescent girls today. Are you going to be evenhanded about making such practices okay based on historical precedent? Like, for example, is it also okay for a modern day Christian, Agnostic or Atheist people to fuck prepubescent girls, or would you reserve approval of that practice to Muslims only?

No, nothing is made right, by pointing out that it is not only Islam that can be used to justify atrocities.

But I refuse to let Muslim terrorist take me with them in their delusion that their deeds are not theirs, but of their god.
I refuse to blame the decent Muslims I know, for the deeds of those morons.

I refuse to get a man away with raping his daughter, because he tells it is the ways of Eve in his daughter that made him do that. And thus blaming is god.
He is the one to blame, not his god.
I refuse to hate a woman who finds solace with the same god her father used to abuse her, because she finds comfort with that god.

Lots of deeds have been done in the name of religions or other aims for 'higher motives'.
It is powerplay. And the people guilty of it need to be punished for it. And not get away with their religion making them, because that is a lie.

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2010, 05:01:59 PM »
Killing or harming innocent people for a "cause" is wrong, no matter in whose name they claim to do it. Actually it's just plain wrong, cause or no cause.
What about the guilty ones?

Guilty to what?
Innocent of what?


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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2010, 06:56:20 PM »
No, nothing is made right, by pointing out that it is not only Islam that can be used to justify atrocities.

But I refuse to let Muslim terrorist take me with them in their delusion that their deeds are not theirs, but of their god.
I refuse to blame the decent Muslims I know, for the deeds of those morons.

I refuse to get a man away with raping his daughter, because he tells it is the ways of Eve in his daughter that made him do that. And thus blaming is god.
He is the one to blame, not his god.
I refuse to hate a woman who finds solace with the same god her father used to abuse her, because she finds comfort with that god.

Lots of deeds have been done in the name of religions or other aims for 'higher motives'.
It is powerplay. And the people guilty of it need to be punished for it. And not get away with their religion making them, because that is a lie.

Nothing I posted lets scumbags off the hook. I don't believe in any god myself so why would I do that? Religions do cause people to behave in what I consider irrational ways though, whether it is thinking their invisible friend in the sky will heal their sick relative, drinking cyanide laced kool aid or considering it okay to blow up infidels because Allah said so. No other major world religion right now can field the amount or percentage of violent scum to kill for their creator/prophet that Islam does or has dictatorial theocratic governments that sign off on the pedophile desires of its most degenerate citizens the way Islam does. It is a particularly detestable belief system.

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2010, 03:38:16 PM »
Killing or harming innocent people for a "cause" is wrong, no matter in whose name they claim to do it. Actually it's just plain wrong, cause or no cause.
What about the guilty ones?

Guilty to what?
Innocent of what?

Guilty until proven innocent?
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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2010, 03:52:20 PM »
No, nothing is made right, by pointing out that it is not only Islam that can be used to justify atrocities.

But I refuse to let Muslim terrorist take me with them in their delusion that their deeds are not theirs, but of their god.
I refuse to blame the decent Muslims I know, for the deeds of those morons.

I refuse to get a man away with raping his daughter, because he tells it is the ways of Eve in his daughter that made him do that. And thus blaming is god.
He is the one to blame, not his god.
I refuse to hate a woman who finds solace with the same god her father used to abuse her, because she finds comfort with that god.

Lots of deeds have been done in the name of religions or other aims for 'higher motives'.
It is powerplay. And the people guilty of it need to be punished for it. And not get away with their religion making them, because that is a lie.

Nothing I posted lets scumbags off the hook. I don't believe in any god myself so why would I do that? Religions do cause people to behave in what I consider irrational ways though, whether it is thinking their invisible friend in the sky will heal their sick relative, drinking cyanide laced kool aid or considering it okay to blow up infidels because Allah said so. No other major world religion right now can field the amount or percentage of violent scum to kill for their creator/prophet that Islam does or has dictatorial theocratic governments that sign off on the pedophile desires of its most degenerate citizens the way Islam does. It is a particularly detestable belief system.

No other belief system is USED like that, right now, but that's exactly how Christianity was used in the past and to some extent still is today.

Religion is by no means the only concept you can blame, though, it's just something that *people* will use when given the chance. Islam as a religion is no worse than Christianity - as a matter of fact they share a common heritage - but in the Western world, few concepts are more suitable for spreading fear and hatred than Islam. It simply fits the bill, just as the Jews and the Bolsheviks fit Hitler's bill.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2010, 04:15:52 PM »
Think of the bigger picture here: people pillage, murder, rape etc. all the time. It isn't a matter of religion here, it's a matter of humanity. Religion is only used as a proxy to do the acts that humans are so dearly used to doing, just as how psychopaths would use video games as a proxy for violence (rather than being the cause of violence, as the media usually blarts out). Wipe out religion and the acts will still go on regardless, the only solution to end all the crap in the world is to end humanity itself.

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2010, 04:17:31 PM »
Pretty much.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2010, 04:38:14 PM »
Killing or harming innocent people for a "cause" is wrong, no matter in whose name they claim to do it. Actually it's just plain wrong, cause or no cause.
What about the guilty ones?

Guilty to what?
Innocent of what?

Guilty until proven innocent?
What about the ones proven guilty?


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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2010, 07:54:56 PM »
No other belief system is USED like that, right now, but that's exactly how Christianity was used in the past and to some extent still is today.
:agreed: that Communism and other fucked up ideologies have been used like that in the past and, to some extent, still are. As I posted earlier none of that lets Islam off the hook.
Religion is by no means the only concept you can blame, though, it's just something that *people* will use when given the chance. Islam as a religion is no worse than Christianity - as a matter of fact they share a common heritage - but in the Western world, few concepts are more suitable for spreading fear and hatred than Islam. It simply fits the bill, just as the Jews and the Bolsheviks fit Hitler's bill.
Right here in this world, right now in the 21st Century that is absolutely not correct. I recall someone saying "An atrocity is an atrocity whether it is one or a million dead"* I do not accept that position on the basis that if, in a country of 50 million, Government goons kill 4 people in one incident, without just cause, it may very well be a localized anomaly, but Joe Stalin levels of murder are always a deliberate matter of policy at the top. Islamic bomb planting, beheadings etc are international in scope involving different groups of believers and therefore not a localized anomaly. Furthermore it is Islamics making their own bad press not irritated people like myself discussing it in unfavorable to Islam light. I know what Friedrich Nietzsche and Ulick Varange AKA Francis Parker Yockey were referring to in Will To Power and I know it has been used with varying degrees of brutality absent any major religious influence i.e. Vikings, British Empire etc. None of that mitigates any of the responsibility that Muslims have for creating their own bad publicity.

*It was on this Geraldo show.

Wipe out religion and the acts will still go on regardless, the only solution to end all the crap in the world is to end humanity itself.
So an effective way to end violence in the world is to use a lot of violence and do away with all people? If I was in favor of such an approach I might just say Allah Akbar and join the festivities.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 08:11:25 PM by PPK »


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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2010, 07:46:44 AM »
So an effective way to end violence in the world is to use a lot of violence and do away with all people? If I was in favor of such an approach I might just say Allah Akbar and join the festivities.

Pretty much. If it guarantees every single human dead, then all the problems afterwards will be effectively gone. How can wars, terrorism etc. be done if there's no humans? :orly:

I'm no fan of muslims or their annoying whingy bollocks, but I don't see how getting rid of them will solve any problems in the long run.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 07:49:49 AM by Mr Shledge »

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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2010, 10:15:46 AM »
So an effective way to end violence in the world is to use a lot of violence and do away with all people? If I was in favor of such an approach I might just say Allah Akbar and join the festivities.

Pretty much. If it guarantees every single human dead, then all the problems afterwards will be effectively gone. How can wars, terrorism etc. be done if there's no humans? :orly:

I'm no fan of muslims or their annoying whingy bollocks, but I don't see how getting rid of them will solve any problems in the long run.

Ah, something will take our niche in the world, and fill in the empty space of random violence and powerplay that is left when we are all eliminated.

As long as I am not depressed or bitter enough to enjoy things of humans too. And to see that still more goes OK than absolutely wrong, I will vote against the total eradication of humankind. But, Shleed is right, it would be the only effective way of dealing with the nastiness of human nature.
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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2010, 03:56:19 PM »
Thing is, Islam as a concept should be left off the hook, just like Christianity and whatnot, because it's always the people interpreting the religion who are responsible, not some abstract belief system. They are applying their fucked-up views on the religion and calling it their own, but it isn't. The vast majority of Muslims follow that same religion but have never hurt anyone.

I don't believe in blaming concepts, I believe in blaming people.
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Re: The Religion of Peace strikes again.
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2010, 04:00:34 PM »
Thing is, Islam as a concept should be left off the hook, just like Christianity and whatnot, because it's always the people interpreting the religion who are responsible, not some abstract belief system. They are applying their fucked-up views on the religion and calling it their own, but it isn't. The vast majority of Muslims follow that same religion but have never hurt anyone.

I don't believe in blaming concepts, I believe in blaming people.

Yes!, you word it better than I did.
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