Yesterday, someone in my building was singing and playing "Muskrat Love" on
acoustic guitar. "Muskrat Love." Voluntarily. That's almost as scary as the mouse noises.

Mouse problems? (yes, every fall they find their way in at our house, too, but my cat takes care of things. She always leaves something to clean up, but at least she takes them to her eating area when she is done torturing them to death.)
All this talk about cats and I have to ask, Do you NOT have a cat?
If you hate cats, I have "friends" who swear that a ferret is a more effective mouse predator than multiple cats.
Maybe you should get a ferret.
It's a no-pets building. The only "pets" are the mice, though since I cleaned up my apartment, there's been
little evidence of them. I never saw one in this building in almost 17 years living here, till last September. 
Sorry, I sometimes forget that not everyone owns their own private residence.
Kind of a mystery in that those horrors have just recently shown up.
In the garage I use these "heartful," "Kind Killing," "more humane" traps, because my cat is the world's biggest 'fraidy cat. SHe will not go outside unless coaxed and then stays right at my feet and follows me in when I go.
You just set these traps where they travel and they wander in for the false bait and starve to death over the next few days or you can check them more often and when you catch one of the little buggers, just reach in with pliers and squish its ass, clean out the trap and reset it.
Unfortunately I do not only capture mice. I have caught baby 'possums, large rats, chipmunks and even once a kitten. I was lucky enough to let the kitten out in time, but as far as those awesomely cute little chipmunks go, I consider them even more destructive than mice or even rats. I let them go to hell.
You might look into those humane traps, since you can not keep an animal predator in your house.