I was about to worry DD.
It was my idea to bring forth the notion that Satan would be so distraught to lose me as a confidant that he would weep for ages at the loss of my service once I become Pure.
That set him quite aback, but I was NOT done with him yet.
What kind of person did you meet in the woods, that he commented on you like this.
I only meet people who talk about the need to repent at stations or in city-centres?
It was a man "on foot" deliberately. It was a man with ALL of his worth, set aside. it was a man who had nothing left to lose, it was man unlike myself, it was a man who offended the essence of who I am, it was a man whom I chose to use his own mind against, it was a man who probably should not have been left alone in the woods.
I am sure he just needed a hug, a piece of ass and a BMW. Any one of those would have made him present to strangers quite differently, but the combination would have sent him into some form of Nirvana.