Hum...well I'd put Auties in charge first off, I'd not make things rigid like He did...and I'd shave my face if there was an ugly stash like his (ew)
I'd not get rid of spoke anne I'd just quarenteen all the well uh ick folk there you know those that rape folks...those that are into just illegal wrong stuff as in wrong on a kid level kid's don't need that stuff k...I'd outlaw human trafficking, and I'd kill those that didn't stop it...If I'm honest I'd round up those that are hateful and just yea they could all rot away in spoke anne...they'd have to work for their food, they would be treated with kindness and that in turn would drive them nuts hopefully...killing them by being kind to them

They wouldn't get why they were they were or they'd be all like eh? what?
But that's just me