
Author Topic: Longest without sleep  (Read 1044 times)

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Re: Longest without sleep
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2016, 09:48:21 AM »
3 or 4 days, I couldn't really tell at the end.  It was after my son was born and was stuck in the NICU for a while.  I think I passed out here and there, but never actually laid down and slept.  I didn't get more than 2 hours of sleep in a row for almost 4 months.  It's all kind of fuzzy.

I know that feeling. I suffer periodically with insomnia. I remember a very bad period. It was three weeks and I was averaging about an hour a night. Things were not "not real" but not real either. There was an amount of disassociation.
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Re: Longest without sleep
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2016, 11:27:39 AM »
Had a few months like that when my daughter was a baby. Colicky pains.
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Re: Longest without sleep
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2016, 01:54:03 PM »
I only got about five hours total while in Brimfield last week from Thursday to Saturday and when I got home I was wired from being on edge the whole way back due to my friends driving and didn't get to bed till about 2am :zombiefuck:
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Re: Longest without sleep
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2016, 10:13:51 PM »
When I was finishing my thesis I was up for over 48 hours. Three weeks worth of writing in two days. I should have asked for an extension because I had been in hospital with depression for three weeks.
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Re: Longest without sleep
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2016, 04:09:53 AM »
About three weeks , after a party hosted by a friend in my teens and really overdoing it. I'd been given my first ever MDMA pill by one of the girls there, by all accounts, quite a good one, clean and a lot of alcohol flowed, my own contribution to her get together had been  a couple of  botttles of inhibitor-free ethyl ether and some of a traditional amazonian tribal native psychedelic snuff called yopo.

But on the way home, I took a ride with her mom to score some 'phet, tenner for 3g, so assumed I was going to get what I'd paid for, namely 90% glucose most likely. Only the dealer must have been some family friend or something, and had,on hindsight, obviously decided to give me a good deal on some really high quality stuff. After doing most of it over the night, fuck me the comedown lastes nearly three weeks, no sleep possible, although by the end my eyes were closing in micro-sleeps uncontrollably and the sleep deprivation (the actual whizz had long since worn off, this was three weeks afterwards) had shit going on like seeing big black rifts opening in the walls as I was taking a shower. Interesting enough but still pretty fucked up.

In fairness, had it been anyone and anywhere else, I almost certainly would have been right, 3g for a tenner pretty much would have meant weak fucking garbage. But that particular guy and me with the specific company I was in resulted in quite the opposite. I certainly didn't expect to get what in the uk, often gets referred to, most inaccurately, as base (its not amphetamine freebase, that is a somewhat caustic oil, and a liquid, so called base is just really strong (one hopes) amphetamine paste that has often got a distinctive floral kinda smell, that stinks of leftover precursor sometimes )
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