in fact, ive never met any cat owner who keep their cats indoors, simply cus its considered inapropriate. people dont have cats, if they dont live in a place they can easily let it outside.
It's cats who have people. 
that is true. in all reality, i think its _almost_ like that. cats arent THAT selfish. she even brings me a live bird some times

i think cats simply see themselves as either the equal of the owner (sibling, friend) or the "offspring" of the owner.
my cat "looks up to me" a lot, however odd that sounds. its usually not noticeable, and she needs me only for cuddles and food. but whenever a situation gets a bit scary, she will instantly look to me for a solution or protection (most recently, a snooping fox. previously aggressive neighbor cats.). which i find totally cute and charming of course

but yes, people tend to know dogs and then see dog behaviour as "universal animal behaviour" cus they lack references.
cats arent pack animals in the same way, so their relation to another individual, human or animal, is a lot more varied individually, than that of dogs.
couldbecousin; i worry about traffic, i lived right near a big rush-vein before i moved here - right next to an even bigger one... but the cat seems to know to avoid those areas, and halt her curiousity to whats on the other side. she probably has more than enough land to explore on this side, especially having moved next to the woods and all

hell, she has to find out where that damn fox is coming from!