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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2010, 02:04:21 AM »

poor furballs out in the rain. my Flois never out these days. she just sleeps on our bed all day and all night lol

well except when she needs to go weewee or poopoos

Poor pretty furball. Why do people get pets and then let them live outdoors?  :(

when i moved now, they recommend you keep the cat indoors for approx a week, to let them re-adapt.

it was HELL.
Some pets are simply made for the outdoors. when i finally let her out she managed to get into a beef with both crows and a local fox, but shes happy as a lark.
its torture for her to be kept inside, simply unbearable. for both, when she suffers, so do i.
my mother tried often to talk me into getting an apartment, but my kittys the main reason i have to avoid apartment. cus letting her in and out easily would be impossible in an apartment. i live in a basement flat, w a window right to ground level. perfect for kitte.

also, here in the new flat, whenever i wake up, shes rolled up by my feet :D she hasnt done that since she was a kitten :D nothing's like a good "AWWE!" to start your day :D

I do know of some pet cats who are happier being "indoor/outdoor," now that you mention it. My friend had a cat, years ago, who arrived on her doorstep as a stray, already accustomed to roaming free, so she was allowed to continue, and she was OK. I just hate to see pets being neglected, but Soph's neighbor's cat looks pretty well cared for, just sad that she was out in the rain.  :-\

i find odd that you "know of some" such cats, when thats the only type of cat ive known of most my life :D
maybe your a big-city dweller? in a big city, cats dont really "fit in", and its not practical w block apartments. so city cats are often most likely abandoned cats.
like in spain there was lots of cats roaming outside, and they were all famished strays, cus nobody will willingly allow their pet to run freely among traffic.. suburbia is awesome for cats tho.

in norway stray cats pretty much dont exist. seeing a cat outside here means only one thing; outdoors cat, who will run home for dinner when its had enough fresh air. theyre all pampered, spoiled furry little things. nothing to feel sorry for at all :D

in fact, ive never met any cat owner who keep their cats indoors, simply cus its considered inapropriate. people dont have cats, if they dont live in a place they can easily let it outside.
my dad also took in a lost stray kitten, and it developed its own charmy way to knock on the windows when it wanted to come inside. cats develop all kinds of signals for wanting doors to let them in or out :D theyre also remarkably quick to adapt or change these signals, if they no longer work.

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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2010, 02:08:35 AM »
as for the fox, kitty was actually calling for me. i barely heard her :D
i finally turned down all volume, and got confirmed a desperate call of hers, from some distance :D so i went outside, just to listen, and saw a HUGE fox.

now, thats not like the size of a horse. foxes are small. but this was big for a fox. like a small dog. for a brief moment i thought "what if this fox just so happens to know that it can bite humans in the balls? then im fucked!" but it didnt, and ran off on some freakishly long legs for a fox. big goddamn fox :S

but yes. thanx to kitty, i can now make a list of animals i love, that i have to scare away...
cats, dogs, birds, foxes... it will probably grow...

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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2010, 02:13:30 AM »

in fact, ive never met any cat owner who keep their cats indoors, simply cus its considered inapropriate. people dont have cats, if they dont live in a place they can easily let it outside.

It's cats who have people.  :laugh:
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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2010, 02:17:12 AM »
That's nice that strays are pretty much unheard of in Norway. I do live in a city, and even on the residential streets, it can be dangerous to let cats stay outdoors much. My friend's cat that I just mentioned was hit by a truck and ran off into the woods! We thought she was dead, but she limped home a few days later with a broken pelvis, healed perfectly, and lived several more years. Others are not so lucky.

There is an abandoned building near the restaurant where I work, and feral cats are always hanging around there. :(
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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2010, 02:18:02 AM »

in fact, ive never met any cat owner who keep their cats indoors, simply cus its considered inapropriate. people dont have cats, if they dont live in a place they can easily let it outside.

It's cats who have people.  :laugh:

There's a joke about that: "Dogs have owners, cats have staff!"  :2thumbsup:
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Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: wow look at this beautiful beautiful face
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2010, 02:19:40 AM »

in fact, ive never met any cat owner who keep their cats indoors, simply cus its considered inapropriate. people dont have cats, if they dont live in a place they can easily let it outside.

It's cats who have people.  :laugh:

that is true. in all reality, i think its _almost_ like that. cats arent THAT selfish. she even brings me a live bird some times :D
i think cats simply see themselves as either the equal of the owner (sibling, friend) or the "offspring" of the owner.

my cat "looks up to me" a lot, however odd that sounds. its usually not noticeable, and she needs me only for cuddles and food. but whenever a situation gets a bit scary, she will instantly look to me for a solution or protection (most recently, a snooping fox. previously aggressive neighbor cats.). which i find totally cute and charming of course :D

but yes, people tend to know dogs and then see dog behaviour as "universal animal behaviour" cus they lack references.
cats arent pack animals in the same way, so their relation to another individual, human or animal, is a lot more varied individually, than that of dogs.

couldbecousin; i worry about traffic, i lived right near a big rush-vein before i moved here - right next to an even bigger one... but the cat seems to know to avoid those areas, and halt her curiousity to whats on the other side. she probably has more than enough land to explore on this side, especially having moved next to the woods and all :D
hell, she has to find out where that damn fox is coming from! :D