That's the case with my car. It's a good thing.
Me too I don't miss turning them on and off. It's such a simple thing to put on a car don't know why all cars don't have it
It's baffling.
Remember when seatbelts were optional, rather than standard? (I don't, but my mother mentioned it.) 
In Sweden they were standard very early but didn't become compulsory to use before the 1970's and just in the front seat to start with. It wasn't compulsory to use seatbelts in the backseat here until 1985 or something.
It's like gun laws. Freedoms are taken away gradually, so that people won't oppose it very much.
Awww the olden days.
When my Granddad just went to the city hall to pick up his driverslicence. Not only for a sedan, also for truck driving, bus driving and all. He had every licence you could think of. And he never had to do a test for it. (OK, after he got 75 he did need a medical test for every renewal)
The olden days, when there were hardly cars, so, hardly crashes.
There is a direct link between amount of cars on the roads, and the speed they can develop on the one side, and the obligation to wear seat-belts on the other side.
Yes, when I was young, cars had no seatbelts. In my street, there were hardly people with a car. Only those who needed one for work had one. Now, many households have more than one car. And cars go a lot faster too. Much more chance that there will be collisions, and also more chance that it will be hard collisions.