I approve of them, but not when they set them up 200 yards from your liquor establishment. Since this not only targets the patrons but also reflects back on the establishment.
Maybe I'm bias since SO has a bar. But let me tell you how hard "visibly intoxicated" can be.
You have patrons come in and you have no idea if they came from home or if they hit the other 2 bars in town before they got there. I've seen people "visibly intoxicated" after two drinks, I've seen career drinkers that appear right as rain after 10+, but that would probably still fail a breathalyzer.
Fortunately for others "visibly intoxicated" usually gets you a ride home from his establishment, since he is dealing with all locals...a drunk driver killing himself or taking others with him is just not tragic it's extremely detrimental to your business when people come back and try to sue you, and in today's world they will.
Even if that drunk got drunk before he came there...that was the last place he was. "You refused to serve him...but you let him drive home."
You don't just run a bar, you run a babysitting service also.

Surely it can't be the barman's responsibility?
One drunk driver, one un-knowledgeable, new, or "I don't care" bartender, one tragic accident...the family comes back and sues the owner...and you lose it all. I've seen it happen.
This is why most bars are now corporations. Because when/or if you get sued, they now sue the corporation...and you don't lose your entire business, your house, and your car.
...and finding good bartenders for when you can't be there ...that won't drink behind the bar so that you lose your license, or serve their shit faced friends after hours...or better yet, are looking for a convenient way to peddle their own wares and support their habit.
Let's just say 95% of all monkeys want to work in a banana factory.