Everyone in my immediate family except my brother and I. My dad, has alcoholism and something else possibly, and he is on aderall. My sister has a drug habit and something else possibly too, and she is on psychotropic drugs. I have a simple anxiety disorder, which is my mom's fault. Precisely, complex post traumatic stress disorder. I don't want or careless to take meds, but certain people where worried about me so I had to take Abilify for my trauma disorder. They would not leave me alone. I don't plan on staying on these fuckers. EMDR will take care of everything. Its done wonders already, but I need more. My mom has bipolar disorder, and she hears voices tellling her to do good things at night. She takes serroquiel and Lithium.
I think my sister is stupid too, she cannot do chemisty. She is naturally bad at it... lol!