Autism Speaks is never going to let you be a mod if you keep that up.
And to think, WP might in the future start restricting or out-right banning all anti-Autism Speaks talk. Alex can ill-afford soured relations if he is getting money from them. 
If Autism Speaks is smart, they will let the anti Autism Speak language be on WP. Not chasing people away, making it look that it isn't that bad. That in fact they are really nice people. And then slowly flood the place with more and more pro Autism Speaks posts.
Ah yes true, but the question is, are they that patient enough? Although they could 'plant' users from their organisation into WP, and slowly social engineer (PsyOps) the entire forum. That is plausible. The benefit of course is no need for censorship. By turning the sentiment enough, the userbase itself will alienate those not towing the line into submission or fleeing. I'm surprised they haven't actually tried that yet, it's within their dirty style.
If they go too fast with bringing Autism Speaks in, they will alienate a lot of members. If they go really slow, a lot of members will stay.
Play the weak point of most posters, they don't like changes. So, they won't like leaving. Make the changes that slow, that the members stretch their boundaries of what they find acceptable time and time again. And that will change how the members view things too over time.
If they are smart at Autism Speaks, they would think troll like.