in my absence alot of fucked up shit has happend on wp. i really hate the way this site is runned now, and what was done to Lau.
go ahead you can tell me i told you so 
Wat? What happened to Lau?
He and Sinsboldy were a snuggly couple anyway, he should have been fired as mod when she was, conflict of interest.
Alex fired him at the end of May. I dunno why. I think I forget the reason why. I didn't know he wasn't a mod anymore until SBI told me. It happened while I was away from the forum. I was getting too stressed out because of the banning that kept happening and I was told it's a glitch in the banning system. But then it ended right before I left for Montana but I still didn't come to the forum that much because of my anxiety.
Then I was told in June by SBI that alex told him lau, sins, and maku were behind the glitches and put a mod up to banning me, SBI, and MONIQUEIJ and he only banned Maku. Maybe that's why he fired Lau too?
But I stayed away from the forum still anyway because anything there can be seen as a personal attack and I was tired of walking on eggshells. I swear the mods were on a secret witch hunt about me and never kept sending me PMs if they thought I kept breaking the rules. For some reason I was targeted by them and I think it was because of my diaper fetish or they saw me as too innocent or too naive and they couldn't stand it so they targeted me secretly.