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Yeah Peter its a naked snail check the link. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 25, 2006, 01:34:54 PM ---oh, DUR, peter - everyone knows it's a fucking NAKED SNAIL!

where have you been ?!


(here's where all the dirt on those tempting little naked snails can be found...  ;) )

--- End quote ---

Truly, my life is now complete.


was i expecting that, the veryfirst thing in the morning?  no i wasn't.

feeling queasy, folks, feeling queasy... :-\


--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 25, 2006, 11:58:19 PM ---was i expecting that, the veryfirst thing in the morning?  no i wasn't.

feeling queasy, folks, feeling queasy... :-\

--- End quote ---
i will usually wait until about 8 in the morning before i open any link from peter.
otherwise i peak to early in the day.


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