DirtDawg will agree with this kid but this kid is so fucking stupid I can't believe. I got ragged on about my username.
It was from an app called "Songchat" this is the app.
http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/songchat-instant-music-chat/id355430803?mt=8I was gonna take screenshots but the set up sucks. It's all in these word bubble graphic art things.
Superjosh7: Yeah I like Led Zep and the black keys pink floyed Bealtes too
Blitzkreigbop1234: yeah The wall was fucking awesome I also like Black dog. I'm also a huge Beatles fan too.
SuperJosh7: Ramones are fucknig gay why do you like them?
Blitzkreigbop1234: They got additude and awesome songs. Johnny can play really fast and they got a rugged look and personality that I find sexy. Dee Dee wrote great lyrics about real life experiences he had.
SuperJosh7: They cant even fucking play.
Blitzkreigbop1234: Yeah well fuck you. At least it's not Beynoce.
SuperJosh7: Your gay with Ramones you fuckin homo
Blitzkreigbop1234: How is that possible I'm a girl?
SuperJosh7: No Your a gay boy, faggot
Blitzkreigbop1234: ummmmm? ok.
SuperJosh7: fuck you go suck a big cock.
Blitzkreigbop1234:You find one of the few polite people online and you start using the "gay" insults cmon kid if your gonna bash me come up with something different.
Blitzkreigbop1234: I think beatles and led zep would think your stupid.The Ghost of John Lennon is watching you. I don't think that liberal hippie dude likes your gay jokes.
SuperJosh7: faggot. I can say what I want. Freedom of speech.
Blitzkreigbop1234: Yeah you do have the right to it you have the right to say "faggot"all over the internet. Even if you sound like an idiot. if you want to really master free speech you got say somthing else besides "faggot"all the time.
SuperJosh7: You need to shut up. Anyone can play the same cords really really fast and
mumble over the microphone. face it Ramones suck
Blitzkreigbop1234: Yeah three cords but just downstrokes. It's not as easy as it looks.
SuperJosh7: I played a Ramones song on my guitar and it was easy.
Blitzkreigbop1234: If you dont like Ramones why are you playing them on your guitar?
Conversation ended here