Cheers for the welcomes.
Hi Vertex.

What other sites do you like to lurk on?
HikiCulture and more recently HC is a nice place but I find it too tame for my tastes unfortunately. Again, I'm not looking for outrageous either. Not constantly anyway.

What type of sex do you prefer, anal or vaginal??
I'd rather have a wank actually. Though either of those aren't bad.
You forgot oral

Not to worry, see above.
How did you find this forum and do you have AS or autism?
Yes I am a carrier the Autism disease. Only mildly though.
Welcome Vertex. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party? 
I think this is impossible for a rational, intelligent and reasonably well educated person, unless compelled to be, or you happen to be one of the ones who benefits from being 'more equal than others'.
Vortex is already stuck in the brain. Sorry, Vortex.
You know it's a myth that toilets and sinks swirl in the opposite direction in the Northern vs. Southern hemispheres. It depends on many variables such as the design of said toilets and sinks and how much turbulence was initially present among many other factors.
Come in, sit down and make yourself at home. You did bring the wine, didn't you? 
Oh whine? No I'm not from WrongPlanet.