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Ungrateful I Know

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--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 10:07:15 PM ---Obviously, if he had already left, he did not want anything from you and your mother.  He probably just wanted to be nice in his own way.

Aeval, when did your mom die?

--- End quote ---

Nine years ago.  She had a lot of birth defects that eventually resulted in the failure of her heart / liver / kidneys.  It's why I was adopted.  She couldn't have kids.

I am sorry about your mom, Aeval.  My mom died almost four years ago of a heart attack.  My daughter was born with a lot of birth defects too, but I hope that they don't shorten her life.  My daughter was born with VACTERL syndrome.   She had a hole in her heart and other heart problems, but these were fixed when she was three weeks old.  She has congenital scoliosis because some of her vertebrae are messed up and she has renal reflux, along with some other less serious physical problems.

I'm sorry, Callaway.  How is your daughter doing now?  Does she seem like she's a happy child?

I know my mother always completely enjoyed life, no matter how bad she was feeling.  I think having gone through what she did, she was more able to see the value of it than most of us are. 

I do think your daughter will be in a much healthier state than my mother was as an adult though.  The medical advances that we've had in the past 30 - 50 years seem to have advanced the quality of life quite a bit.  From what I remember, my mother was born on a kitchen table and not taken to the hospital for treatment til she was extremely sick and not breathing well.  Maybe if she had been treated sooner, the issues wouldn't have developed as much as they did.

I think she is reasonably happy.  She sometimes notices that she seems to have more problems and take more medicine than other children do, so she has asked about that.  She may need surgery to fix her renal reflux and her scoliosis, which I wonder if she would be able to handle, especially the scoliosis surgery because she would need to be in a halo vest for a couple of months after that surgery.  She has autism, not AS, so she has pretty severe sensory issues and she has very little impulse control, although she is very smart in many ways.  We had orthotic braces for her feet, which she was supposed to sleep in to help her bunions, but we could not keep them on her feet at night because she would keep taking them off.


--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 10:37:06 PM ---We had orthotic braces for her feet, which she was supposed to sleep in to help her bunions, but we could not keep them on her feet at night because she would keep taking them off.

--- End quote ---

I'd call that quite smart.  Is she able to adequately communicate her discomfort when she experiences it? 

My son is 14, so I can relate to the powerful need to do everything you can to ensure your child has the best life possible.  From what I know of you so far, you seem as if you would be a very good mother.  Your daughter is lucky in that respect.


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