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Ungrateful I Know

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i always love to read the pride in a parents post!


--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 11:08:51 PM ---Yes, I have almost always been able to understand her, even when others could not.  No matter how much I explained the purpose of the braces, she could not bear wearing them all night.  I even tried sneaking into her room after she fell asleep and putting them on her very carefully, but she would wake up and take them off a little later.  She has always been a little Houdini.  She nearly drove us crazy stripping off all her clothes and her diaper when she was a baby.  Every time I thought I had outsmarted her in the quest to keep her diapered, she would figure out another way to strip.  She could undo diaper pins at eight months old, and she could slip her whole body through the neck of a turtleneck bodyshirt.  It was worst when I put her to bed, because she would never go to sleep if I checked on her.  She finally got big enough to reason with and we made a deal:  She could sleep in just a diaper, but she needed to keep it on.

I think you must be a very good mother for your son as well.

--- End quote ---

She sounds absolutely adorable. I know, at the time, it's frustrating when you can't keep them dressed or diapered, but when you look back on things like that you have to smile at how ingenious kids can be.

 I relate to children in ways that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to relate to another adult.  Their motivations make sense.  When I found out I was pregnant, a lot of people  encouraged me to put him up for adoption, because they weren't sure I could take care of him, but he and I understand each other.  Children are just amazing people.


--- Quote from: Aeval on September 15, 2006, 10:40:29 PM ---
My son is 14
--- End quote ---

 :o  blimey, aeval - i thought you were in your teens yourself..  i am gobsmacked, frankly.


--- Quote from: Lucifer on September 15, 2006, 11:27:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: Aeval on September 15, 2006, 10:40:29 PM ---
My son is 14
--- End quote ---

 :o  blimey, aeval - i thought you were in your teens yourself..  i am gobsmacked, frankly.

--- End quote ---

I'm 34, though people always tell me I am acting like a 3 year old.

yeah, you seem/look a lot younger  :laugh:


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