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Ungrateful I Know

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--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 10:04:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: McJagger on September 15, 2006, 09:24:11 PM ---maybe it was just some person, paying it forward.

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I liked that movie, but I cried like a baby when the kid got stabbed at the end and they had all those candles for him.

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--- Quote from: Aeval on September 15, 2006, 10:40:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 10:37:06 PM ---We had orthotic braces for her feet, which she was supposed to sleep in to help her bunions, but we could not keep them on her feet at night because she would keep taking them off.

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I'd call that quite smart.  Is she able to adequately communicate her discomfort when she experiences it? 

My son is 14, so I can relate to the powerful need to do everything you can to ensure your child has the best life possible.  From what I know of you so far, you seem as if you would be a very good mother.  Your daughter is lucky in that respect.

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Whoa...I didn't know you had a son...and he's only a year younger than my sister!  :o


--- Quote from: QuirkyCarla on September 15, 2006, 10:53:25 PM ---Whoa...I didn't know you had a son...and he's only a year younger than my sister!  :o

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He and I don't actually look that much different in age now.  It's scary.  The school has told me to have his mother come back to pick him up before because they thought I was his sister.

He was born when I was 19.  He's a good kid - we basically grew up together.  He takes care of me as much as I take care of him.

awwww  :)


--- Quote from: Aeval on September 15, 2006, 10:40:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: Callaway on September 15, 2006, 10:37:06 PM ---We had orthotic braces for her feet, which she was supposed to sleep in to help her bunions, but we could not keep them on her feet at night because she would keep taking them off.

--- End quote ---

I'd call that quite smart.  Is she able to adequately communicate her discomfort when she experiences it? 

My son is 14, so I can relate to the powerful need to do everything you can to ensure your child has the best life possible.  From what I know of you so far, you seem as if you would be a very good mother.  Your daughter is lucky in that respect.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I have almost always been able to understand her, even when others could not.  No matter how much I explained the purpose of the braces, she could not bear wearing them all night.  I even tried sneaking into her room after she fell asleep and putting them on her very carefully, but she would wake up and take them off a little later.  She has always been a little Houdini.  She nearly drove us crazy stripping off all her clothes and her diaper when she was a baby.  Every time I thought I had outsmarted her in the quest to keep her diapered, she would figure out another way to strip.  She could undo diaper pins at eight months old, and she could slip her whole body through the neck of a turtleneck bodyshirt.  It was worst when I put her to bed, because she would never go to sleep if I checked on her.  She finally got big enough to reason with and we made a deal:  She could sleep in just a diaper, but she needed to keep it on.

I think you must be a very good mother for your son as well.


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