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Ungrateful I Know

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I went out to IHOP and as my mom and I were waiting for the check to come, the waitress came by and told us some guy paid for our meals. He did it for another table of two women beside us too. My mom just shrugged. I think she was too tired to protest, but it creeped me out. I don't know if I'm more annoyed that someone did it without asking, or that he had already left so I couldn't figure out why he did it or who it was. I'm pretty sure it was the guy sitting at a table on the other side of the wood panel. Old guy with so much hair gell in his hair that it was flaking really badly. From this one act I know that some guy was looking at us, and it creeps me out. My mom laughed at me for being so paranoid.

maybe it was just some person, paying it forward.

My dad used to do that sometimes after my mom died, when he saw families that looked happy to him.  I'm not sure what his reasoning behind it was, but it seemed to make him happy.


--- Quote from: McJagger on September 15, 2006, 09:24:11 PM ---maybe it was just some person, paying it forward.

--- End quote ---

I liked that movie, but I cried like a baby when the kid got stabbed at the end and they had all those candles for him.

Obviously, if he had already left, he did not want anything from you and your mother.  He probably just wanted to be nice in his own way.

Aeval, when did your mom die?


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