Hello, and welcome to NBC Dateline. I am Chris Hansen and... PSYCHE! This is the I2 Outsider Report with Mudkipz with another AFF Report!
Today, a woman is butthurt over some stranger putting up her story on In-Your-Face... Book without her consent! Here is what she had to say about this:
"I recently accepted a mutual friend on facebook A mutual friend of a classmate.
This classmate is in my writing class.
Our professor emails our writing to the entire class so that we can critique it.
Now, somehow my story got around to two strangers who I do not know. One of them requested my friendship, telling me that the other strange person showed him my story (I dont know how this person got access to my writing, perhaps through my classmate). Anyway, the requested friend sent me inbox messages talking about my writing, asking about my interests, what I like to read etc......
I thought it was harmless because he is friends with someone I know, therefore I didn't think it would be harmful.
Just the other day, I found out that these guys posted my story, photos, and made a public figure page about my writing. The page was made an entire week before I discovered it.
I had no idea, no one told me or asked my permission.
Also, I have NO ACCESS to this page.
With my naive self, I thought it was a nice gestue for them to create my page.
I asked my classmate if he did this, he said he didn't. I sent an inbox message to the person who I have seen adding my photos, he has yet to respond.
Reality just hit me;
a. These gentleman had NO permission to post this.
b. They are using MY photos and writing.
c. I have NO ACCESS to a page that has my name on it.
d. I asked my classmate if HE did this, but he told me no. I think it was a STRANGER who did it.
After I realized what happened, I went into the bathroom and cut myself like an emo!"
After all of that, I said "You are a dumbass for cutting yourself over Facebook, bitch!". The woman then attempted to assault me with the knife while screaming and crying, but security came and took her away and I was left with a few
laughs about how physically weak that little bitch was bruises. Whew! Good thing I took 10 years of Krav Maga training before coming into this dangerous line of work!

That's all and good night, folks!
For more information on this news story, visit this thread: