I'm about to spam the neighbourhood. And the thought of someone colouring all the letters on the junk-mail later today is making me smile. 
Hey I love doing that! It's like my OCD habit at the moment 
I am eating fun size mars bars.
The "fun size" candy bars are less fun than they used to be. So many things are smaller these days! 
Or you grew bigger?

When I was 4 years old, we went to see an island that had seized to be an island. I went back there twenty years later, and was amazed at how low everything was.
Thought it looked 2 meters lower.
Then I realised I had grown taller. But, it did not make up all the difference.
The surface of the island had indeed dropped about a meter, I had grown a bit less than a meter. Together, it was about this two meter difference I experienced.