Just had two of these wraps for dinner.. (with sliced fried turkey fillet, lettuce, cucumber, red onion rings, gherkin and some garlic based sauce)

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for sharing with us this glorious feast!
Without a pun intended.. um, this, with the garlic sauce I freshly make myself.. well, it's pure happy food, I say. Healthy and simple.
Good honest freshly made simple dishes are.. well.... underestimated almost beyond numbers, I reckon.. and the correlation between someone's diet and s/o's sense of well-being likewise.
Um, recipe garlic sauce.. no one ever asked.. (?)
(well, drop it anyhow.. )
-yoghurt : mayonnaise (1:1, or e.g. one spoonful of each in a bowl)
-2 gloves of garlic (pulverized)
-a squeeze of lemon juice
-half a red onion and half a gherkin made as small as possible
-3/4 'tubular chive leaves' chopped small too
-tiny, tiny bit of mustard
-some salt and pepper..
-and yeah.. a good hustle..