Haribo 'bubblegum bottles' and haribo 'smurfs'. Fizzy blue cola-bottle style jelly candies that are sour and bubblegum flavoured. Absolutely divine. I can't not get a few bags when I get paid every time I do I buy some, they are addictive

The smurfs are blue and clear sweet bubblegum-fruity flavoured smurf character sweets, I bought the new version thats come out with sour 'gargamel' characters included as well, washed down with guava juice and lots of bottles of both snickers and mars bar caramel milkshakes, Plus a couple of cans of 'lilt', a kind of fruit pop that is mostly pineapple I think, but tastes pretty unique.
And CBC yes some of said meds were swallowed, although some of the oxy was insufflated also, and some of both it and all the morphine shot. There is just too much WASTE with oral morphine, something like 70-75% of it is just metabolized to inactive rubbish and excreted without ever doing anything if its taken by mouth without a cocktail of enzyme inhibitors of various kinds to block metabolism, and even then its inefficient. The morphia part of my pain med regimen is actually useless to me unless extracted, filtered, subjected to sterilization and ultrafiltration using micropore membrane filters small enough to block bacteria.
Got a bowl of beef and mushroom (shop bought, meh. Only things they are acceptable in are curries and chilli con carne the way *I* make chilli con carne. My old man really doesn't know how to spice it right, he doesn't add peppery boletus and cured, detoxified fly agaric fungi even though he'd not have to remove the poison himself, since I already have tubs and bags and boxes stuffed full of cured fly agaric, with the toxic principles and psychoactive compounds leached out and then dried that can be simply crumbled into a dish without further ado. I suppose I can't blame him for not adding peppery bolete mushroom, as I have relatively little left and need to wait until the growing season in autumn again before I can get more, plus there are only a very few of those spice rack jars that actually contain spices, the rest of the rack now contains jars of chemicals; such as KOH (potassium ydroxide, caustic potash], sodium metal under petroleum spirits, calcium metal, anhydrous calcium chloride, elemental boron, a solution of manganese sulfate in 98-99% concentrated sulfuric acid, manganese dioxide, various results of electrolytic processes, a little bit of white phosphorus under water although that I'm going to move, various drying agents, either aluminium dust a couple of tens of microns fine or magnesium as fine powder, some finely powdered nickel metal and ultrafine copper dust, not quite nanopowder, but very, very very VERY fine copper dust, I forget whether that one jar contains the micronized aluminium dust or the Mg powder now, and other such friendly, cuddly things you'd want to find somebody adding to your chilli

In fact aside from the fly agaric, peppery boletus and some turmeric thats being saved for the extraction of curcumin for cell biology experiments there is only one spice jar that contains something intended for food, and one other that contains a substance that would not poison, burn or both if taken internally or touched, although even that would need dissolving in water first, that being anhydrous magnesium sulfate, used as a drying agent. The hydrated form is nothing other than epsom salt, after roasting out the water of crystallization in the oven I use MgSO4 frequently as a dessicant for many solvents, usually as a pre-drying agent for removing bulk water prior to other procedures such as for example, distillation over sodium metal pellets or chips, or over lithium as thin foil, over CaCl2, passage through concentrated sulfuric acid for some gases, distillation over first quicklime and then over calcium carbide for drying alcohols after first drying b y distillation until the alcohol-water azeotrope is reached and distillation can serve no further in removing the remaining water (an azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquids that is at a concentration of one component relative to another reaches a point whereby the azeotrope is reached, and distillation any further only results in collection of the same concentration of both components in the collected distillate. For example, you cannot prepare anhydrous ethanol or isopropanol via distillation alone, because they both form azeotropes with water, and once you have the azeotropic alcohol, more distillation just results in the azeotropic mixture coming over, not further concentration of the alcohol in question, so after that point, one has to distill the azeotropic mixture from a chemical dessicant such as quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO), or to remove the absolute last traces of water for 100% absolute ethanol/isopropanol, first from quicklime, under dried inert gas, in an apparatus protected by drying tubes packed with dessicant to prevent influx of H2O vapor from the air, and then over calcium carbide, C2H2, which reacts chemically, in an irreversible reaction to form acetylene, which mostly bubbles out after a certain amount ends up dissolved in the alcohol. The alcohol can then be subjected to a quick pull in a vacuum chamber in order to force any dissolved ethylene (acetylene, same thing) to boil off out of the alcohol, after which treatment, is as dry as it will ever get, 99.several 9-s% alcohol, suitable for anything you need to do with the alcohol in question just as long as whatever you want to do to it or with it would work anyway. But certainly, its drier than a nun's muff crack and the wellspring of a politician's integrity put together.)
Oooh...just remembered, I've still got a cadbury's 'flake' chocolate bar left in my candy bag, which has been freshly stocked with fruit drops, 'smurfs' 'bubblegum bottles', barley sugars and other delectable sweet treats.