Author Topic: What are you eating right now?  (Read 70751 times)

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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1800 on: March 31, 2016, 11:27:27 PM »
First a can of tinned grapefruit, in GF juice. I LOVE tinned grapefruit, the white kind more so than the red.

And there is a rather nice little bonus of sorts resulting from its consumption. There are several flavonoid compounds within grapefruit that act as reasonably strong inhibitors (or substrates, not sure which
of hepatic cytochrome P450 pathways 3A4 and 2D6, these happen to be the main enzymatic modes of metabolic destruction where morphine is concerned, means I usually take my oxy first, as oxycodone is a prodrug, in part at least alhough not afaik an obligate one as is say codeine. Oxycodone gets metabolized to a proportion of the far more potent oxymorphone (one of those uncommon opiates that has a real cracker of a reputation for being one of the most enjoyable opioids of all, via IV route.
Not even remotely likely I'd succeed in getting my oxycodone changed to the morphone (that is, by any of my doctors who work at the practice I frequent), bugger all chance is more like it.
I would have either to find someone who had some and who is willing to part with any in trade, or work out a synthesis of OM from oxycodone.

Translation/question - take oxycontin with grapefruit juice and the pain relieving effects will last longer?
actually it makes them more powerful. a compound in grapefruit juice interferes with the enzyme that destroys part of the medication before it whacks you. so you get a bigger whack. i used to know this but don't remember all of it. the one that destroys/metabolizes is the CYP3A4 enzyme. i thought 2D6 did something different but as i said i'm rusty.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1801 on: April 01, 2016, 12:02:37 AM »
Finished munching for now. Saving a few pineapple cubes from my bag for later. Currently not eating so as not to reverse the effects caused by the last bong bowl I've got, and am about to hit. Wish it were proper bud though, this is inert herbs, soaked in a mixture of AKB-48 and 1-(5-fluoropentyl)-AKB-48. Pausing after the first toke to go make and eat a marmite sandwich on brown bread, and a jug of lime cordial, before going to blaze the remainder of my bed time bong.

And more tinned grapefruit.

Yes, a fair few of the flavonoids within grapefruit, such as naringin, quercetin (IIRC) etc. block both CYP-3a4 and 2D6. Both are involved in metabolizing morphine , and other related opioids. Actually I am unsure with oxy, undecided. As oxycodone is certainly active by itself, given how effective, and in what timescale, when injected IV/IM, subcut or plugged rather than orally, denying it the chance to not show activity of oxycodone, and stopping if inactive, a mandatory wait for hepatic metabolism to occur.

As I'm uncertain about the precise metabolic fate of oxycodone, I tend to take it first, let it act, and then after that has done so, then take the morphine, whilst swilling down the canned grapefruit and GF juice/fresh fruit.

Works on benzodiazepines also, via CYP-3A4i, there may be exceptions, to that, but if there are any I would predict it to the fluorinated kinds, as th C-F bond is tighter than a  10yo nun's minge, does not like to split away from most elements, but especially tight bonding to carbon, F is often used in research for the purpose of a 'fake hydrobut same electronic configuration' so it can behave as a hydrogen native to the molecule being studied, but one that cannot be removed by living metabolic processes
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1802 on: April 01, 2016, 02:19:09 AM »
First a can of tinned grapefruit, in GF juice. I LOVE tinned grapefruit, the white kind more so than the red.

And there is a rather nice little bonus of sorts resulting from its consumption. There are several flavonoid compounds within grapefruit that act as reasonably strong inhibitors (or substrates, not sure which
of hepatic cytochrome P450 pathways 3A4 and 2D6, these happen to be the main enzymatic modes of metabolic destruction where morphine is concerned, means I usually take my oxy first, as oxycodone is a prodrug, in part at least alhough not afaik an obligate one as is say codeine. Oxycodone gets metabolized to a proportion of the far more potent oxymorphone (one of those uncommon opiates that has a real cracker of a reputation for being one of the most enjoyable opioids of all, via IV route.
Not even remotely likely I'd succeed in getting my oxycodone changed to the morphone (that is, by any of my doctors who work at the practice I frequent), bugger all chance is more like it.
I would have either to find someone who had some and who is willing to part with any in trade, or work out a synthesis of OM from oxycodone.

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Offline WolFish

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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1803 on: April 11, 2016, 02:11:36 AM »
Maple cotton candy.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1804 on: August 04, 2016, 02:12:36 PM »
Conversations? heh well doubtless we'd spend weeks on end talking shop, and more besides actually cooking.

If you ever come to the UK, couldbe, come to see me, I'd be honored to take you on as an apprentice.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1805 on: August 14, 2016, 03:54:48 PM »
food that would stimulate lestat's artistic leanings.

i tried to make chicken soup and she said she had some. it's more potage than soup. zombie vegetables cooked long past death, chicken boiled until it shreds itself in despair, and then tortured by the addition of crushed garlic that's so overwhelmed it loses its will to season.

seriously, i can't tell the turnips from the carrots from the sweet potatoes. there are green leafy things and a former wing tip. the bones were soft so i think at least 6 hours cooking. i think one of the things that looked like a turnip is actually a broccoli stalk. found a sweet potato skin. i bit something green thinking it was an intact green bean but it was rolled up piece of chicken skin. there's big bones too.
ugly as it is, the potage probably will work. i put hot sauce and salt in it and it actually isn't bad.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1806 on: August 14, 2016, 05:12:49 PM »
If I were next chicken soup would come out of a packet:P

Right now, contemplating rewarding myself with a milkshake for downing some pretty revolting pain relief, and whilst my appetite is dead  courtesy of testing what was worked on and still being so, from earlier. 
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1807 on: August 14, 2016, 05:16:44 PM »
Baked chicken, baked potato with butter, buttered carrots, green beans and beets with raspberry vinaigrette dressing.
(All of this was in the pantry or refrigerator.)

Later on will be cherry pie and coffee.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1808 on: August 14, 2016, 05:24:35 PM »
Cherry pie is good stuff. The supermarket we get our nosh from does really quite decent ones for just a pound.

I like the rhubarb ones even more.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1809 on: August 15, 2016, 05:34:41 AM »
Just had a butter chicken pie. I thought it would be really spicy but it was just right.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1810 on: August 15, 2016, 06:50:12 AM »
Baked chicken, baked potato with butter, buttered carrots, green beans and beets with raspberry vinaigrette dressing.
(All of this was in the pantry or refrigerator.)

Later on will be cherry pie and coffee.

  That sounds delicious.  I want some.  :puppy:
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1811 on: August 15, 2016, 08:49:51 AM »
Cherry pie is good stuff. The supermarket we get our nosh from does really quite decent ones for just a pound.

I like the rhubarb ones even more.

Rhubarb and rhubarb pie are rarities in New Orleans.  I always knew I would find the perfect cherry pie someday.  Who knew it would be in the university cafeteria in the late 1960's.  Just to let you know people are still talking longingly about that dish.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1812 on: August 18, 2016, 07:33:23 AM »
I find chicken pie most unappetizing, in fact I could hardly force myself to eat some, especially with that sickening white sauce in them.

Fish pie is worse though, that I couldn't eat, no fucking way, its sickening.

I'm currently having my breakfast-a bowl of porridge made with milk, not water, topped off with honey, and to drink, a liter carton of grapefruit juice, the pink kind, with the bits of fruit pulp still in it. I'd prefer white GFJ, but the shop I went into on my way back from picking up a prescription had only pink, with the bits, no white at all, even without bits in. Could have got some elsewhere but there was an offer that saved me a pound or two for every 2 cartons of juice bought, so I bought quite a few; not because of the advertising/gimmickry but because I wanted some anyway and I'd drink
 lots of it if I bought lots, IIRC it was 7 cartons total I got, where non-alcoholic drinks are concerned, grapefruit (with the bits left in, white if possible although I enjoy either), fresh lychee juice, fresh orange juice (with bits) or mango. Guava juice, bubblegum flavour pop and coke are my others.

Mmm thats better. That filled a bottomless, yawning pit. Porridge is great with some honey spooned over the top and allowed to melt and get even runnier than it was whilst in the jar (I prefer fluid types to solid ones)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Now I'm finished, I am debating with myself what kind to have of the several bags of sweets  to nibble on.

Had my old man make me breakfast, as he was doing himself a bowl of porridge I just asked him to add enough oats and milk in the pan for two. He did, so I'm eating.
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1813 on: August 18, 2016, 11:25:17 AM »
belated breakfast of sausage and egg on a biscuit
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Re: What are you eating right now?
« Reply #1814 on: August 18, 2016, 12:07:40 PM »
Leftover blackened tilapia that I made last night.

I've got a chicken in the over roasting for later.