Another of my "friends" came by today. I was not here (at work) but my wife was here. It was a guy I knew when I played in country music and I worked his sound.
(This is getting a little scary - TWO - karma shit and all makes me worry. I feel unworthy)
I had three new emails ( I discovered after I returned from work today) telling me he was coming by. His band is in town this week end. He is from Kansas and is very proud of his father's ranch.
He dropped off a twenty two pound Kansas Angus ribeye cut (This would be cut crosswise to produce about two thousand dollars worth of high quality T-Bones at about eight to ten bucks a pound, this is a huge gift), hugged and kissed my wife and kids, gave her passes for us to get back stage, told her he would call me later, invited us to his hotel and left.
Weird how this seems to be the year that "OLD friends" look me up. Wondering why!
He and I shared many steaks, a lot of music and beer in the old days.
I just shared a tiny corner trimmed off (about half a pound) of that Angus, just barely turned pink in my roaster and still well bloody!

My daughter got up (unable to sleep yet, disturbed by the noise I was making) and discovered what I was doing, then ate half!! (She saved me from having a heart attack that much sooner AND it was awesome to see my beautiful - thirteen year old now - daughter scarf down such rare, bloody red meat)
She is more like me all the time.