The closest I can think of is those groups of people (swingers) who have a tent set up, there are people inside the tent, and a guy comes and pokes his dick through a hole in the tent, and remains outside.
Sounds fun. There's a place nearby that's used by swingers. I might just pitch a tent and see what happens.
Yeah about the touching thing it can start off as a fear or bad experience, and snowball because of obsessive thoughts. Happened to me when I was 12.
I was about 14 and I never had any problem with touch. I went out drinking with some friends and we met some people from my school. I walked to the shop with one of the guys from my school. I hhardly knew him. He tried it on with me but I told him to fuck off. I thought that was the end of it but he went into school and started spreading nasty rumours about me. At my school just about the worst insult to give to a girl was to say she has a smelly pussy. The guy told everyone that I tried to have sex with him but he refused me because I was too smelly down there. It was complete lies. I've always had good hygiene, and I would never have slept with him anyway. I was amazed when everyone believed him. I had been bullied quite a lot before then, but after that it reached a new level. I got the nickname Miss Fishy.
It's quite funny now but it was horrible at the time. Any time anyone stood near me they would make a nasty comment. Some of the girls even became qquite violent towards me. I'd done well at school up untill then but I ended up leaving at 15 without any quallifications. Ever since then I've felt really awkward when anyone enters my personal space, and as the years have passed it has snowballed to become a bigger problem.
There is a way you can stop yourself slamming the door, but it requires some mind control. Tricking your mind into thinking that the car door will fall off (even though thats stupid) if you do it.
I'll give it a try, although I'm not sure if I'll be able to trick my mind into believing something It knows isn't true.
I have noticed when you're in love with someone, you're more likely to let them touch you than your average person. That's the way it is for me, I'd almost punch someone or generally feel nervous if they hugged me, but if my girlfriend did it then I'd not mind at all.
You are right. I've never come close to loving any of the guys I've gone out with. I've never even really felt comfortable with any of them. My best friend was a really touchy-feely person and I never had a problem with her hugging me or entering my personal space. I felt really comfortable with her, and as I've mentioned before I've had a major girl crush on her.