What a sick little fuckweasel (possibly a world first occurrence for the term 'fuckweasel' or adjective 'fuckweaselery' to actually mean just that, in the literal manner.)
And It'd be impossible to fuck a mouse with a dick, not without a power drill first to put a hole there. The mouse-muff wouldn't be big enough. I have had pet mice (no I didn't shag any of them or stuff any of them up my chocolate starfish) and a pair of mouse curtains (can't call 'em 'beef curtains can we, if they are the belongings of the murine critter in question??) (rhetorical...VERY, very VERY rhetorical question that) is about 4mm long in a female mouse.
So that guy must have had a real pencil dick if he did. No, not even a pencildick, a mdagli1-dick, the size of his mom's probably, a long but narrow thing like a ballpoint pen ink tube. And its probably not very long up their either. So mdfagli obviously is a he-she with an oversized clit that just looks like a male baby on the outside and has ovaries that dropped outa his/her/both's arse ring the last time it crapped its diaper thinking IT was trolling US. Silly faggot crywanker and NT piece 'o'shyte.