Meadow, if you are sick and tired of the drama, then why do you keep coming here posting and making personal attacks at members there such as me, DFG, Fnord and maybe others and trying to bait members into a drama? Everyone here knows isabitch wasn't real so you can move on. It makes me think you like it and you are bullshitting and playing games with us when you act this way. I'm convinced now you're the real isabel, not another imposter. Why even pick fights with members? If you truly thought Naill was picking a fight with you, you should have backed out and not respond.
Yes Callaway, sins did do the same thing to me. It's obvious.
This right here is the ongoing personal attacks your talking about. And you have gotten others involved with your pack wolf mentality. I'm beginning to seriously think you're psychotic. You couldn't more effectively beat me with a club than what you and others are doing with words and attitudes of hatred toward me. I don't care if you hate me. That's about you. You no longer exist as far as I'm concerned.
Dear Isabel:
I said this in Imposter!Isabel's introductory thread, and I'll say it here in yours as well.
I take people as I find them, not as how others represent them to me. If there's a pack, I'm not in it. I don't know you. I don't know or care what history you have elsewhere on the Net. That said, in my experience those who claim to be paragons of innocence and virtue are usually up to no good.

If there is amusement to be found in this, so much the better.
Kit and others have been dissing you on this board for some time now, and you've been maliciously impersonated as well. You're right to be defensive. If you decide to become a permanent resident here, I'll be surprised, but stranger things have happened. It might be interesting to see what sort of person you are when there is no mudslinging going on.
Best wishes,
She started it.
My kids used to try to pull that weak excuse on me, and I'd hoped for better from you.