My name is Isabel and I am an artist. Everyone is so jealous of my talent and beauty. Everyone likes to be so cruel to me. I don't have an evil bone in my body. I find it hard to exist at all sometimes. You have no idea how hard it is to be envied.
Aawwww, poor petal. I have no idea who you are. I'm not jealous of your talent, beauty or other gifts (and haven't seen
any evidence of
any of them yet, might I add).
Kit and others have said unkind things about you on these boards before you even
got here, so I suppose you can't be faulted for arriving with the defensive shields already up. Having a reputation to live up (or down) to is a total pain in the butt, don't you find? Being whiny and self-centred isn't necessarily going to harm your chances here, either. Of course, it will help your cause if you are sufficiently entertaining with it, or you at least post pics of your boobs for the fellas to dribble over. Totally up to you, of course.